Part 2

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Sonic started to sink under the water once more when a thought popped into Sonic's head as he sank, "What if the humans found him in the ocean, dragged him back to land and executed him?" Sonic realized in that moment that he had two choices

He could be found, dragged back onto land and killed by his captors.

Or he could sink to the bottom of the ocean and die on his own terms.

Sonic's head broke the surface of the water once more, the hedgehog took in a deep breath that would be his last. With one final look at the endless blue ocean around him, he stopped kicking, stopped fighting and allowed the ocean to have it's way with him.

He closed his eye's, they stung too much from all the salty ocean water, his arm stung too, blood flowing from the wound in a way that resembled a red blanket spreading out across the ocean, Sonic had read once that sharks were able to smell blood from really far away, maybe a shark would come? That would be a sight to see alright. But soon, none of it would matter, soon he would finally be at peace, no more pain, no more betrayal, no more suffering. Even if he was able to muster up the will to survive, what awaited him? Being hunted down by a species that never bothered to understand him and certainly never cared about him? Having no idea where he was and no idea how to get back to his friends? Even if he wanted to, how would he get back to land? Sonic could feel himself sinking deeper and deeper into the ocean's grip like a stone in a pond, his lungs were burning, screaming for air but he refused, just a few more seconds and it would all be over. It would all be over...

A dark shadow being cast over him, followed by a pair of large hands grabbing him from under the arms and dragging him up to the surface, then the cool air hitting him as he gasped, no longer holding his breath under the surface of the ocean but breathing above it, all in the span of a few seconds. Sonic gasped for air, the burning in his lungs starting to fade as he was gently placed onto what felt like a boat, rocking back and forth slowly. He coughed and wheezed as his breathing slowly returned to normal, laying on his back as he was slowly rocked by that boat, he also felt someone wrap bandages over his right-arm stump, Sonic was still coming to grips with the fact that he'd been subjected to accidental amputation. But now a question formed in his head, who or what saved him? "Thank Gaia we found you when we did hedgehog, I thought you were dead for a minute." A gruff and deep yet strangely familiar voice said as Sonic rubbed his eye's, they still stung but not as much as before.

Sonic slowly sat upright, still catching his breath as the sting in his eye's subsided just enough for him to properly make out his saviors, it was...The Deadly Six?! Or some of them at least. Zavok, Zazz, Zor and Master Zik were all sitting in the boat, Zazz and Zor were making small talk at the other end of the boat, Master Zik appeared to be the one driving the boat, sitting at the front while Zavok was sitting next to him.

Sonic slowly backed away from Zavok, not stopping until the back of his head collided with the other end of the boat, even in his half-sensible state of mind he knew The Deadly Six, even if it wasnt all of them were bad news. At this point Zavok must've noticed Sonic's terror, he put one of his massive clawed hands out to Sonic, trying to touch him but Sonic jerked his body away, utterly terrified. Zavok withdrew his hand, and started to speak in a low, calm voice, Sonic must've really looked like a terrified puppy because the other three turned to look at him, saddened or confused. "Relax hedgehog, we're not going to harm you." "We saved you after all." Zavok explained, but Sonic didn't move from where he was, he was still terrified, "We've already bandaged your arm, just lay down and try to rest." "Our boat is heading back to land as I speak, so you shouldn't have to tolerate the ocean for too much longer." Zavok said, but it wasn't Zavok that scared him anymore, it was land. The word "land" had the ferocity of a lion attached to it for one reason and in Sonic's headspace, for a very good reason

Land meant humans.

Humans meant execution.

Execution meant death.

Sonic looked over the edge of the boat, the thought of going back into the cold, dark abyss that was the ocean made his stomach churn with terror. But what choice did he have? Die in front of a firing squad of those god damm humans or drown in the middle of the ocean, still dying but on his own terms? Sonic looked back at the four Zeti's, none of them were really paying attention to him, Sonic looked back at the ocean. He knew what he had to do.

Sonic steeled himself, took a deep breath and with one swift motion, threw himself back into the ocean. The salty, cold, dark water shocked him but didn't deter him anymore, he tried to swim downwards but he just flailed and squirmed around in the water like a worm on a hot sidewalk. Sonic felt a pair of hands his ankles, another pair grab his waist and a single huge hand grab the scruff of his neck and yank him upwards so hard he thought the skin woulf tear off. Sonic was yanked out of the water, it was Zavok, Zazz and Zor trying to keep him out of the water, Sonic threw his head back as hard as he could and felt the back of his head whack into something hard followed by Zavok snarling out: "Ungrateful bastard!" Sonic was pinned to the bottom of the boat, kicking and struggling dispite his aching muscles, screaming his head off dispite his hoarse throat. "F-fuck you!" "Lemme go!" Sonic croaked out, but the three Zeti's were able to hold him mostly still, "Master Zik!" Zavok called out, "Can't you do something to calm him down?" "We cannot hold him like this forever!" Zavok practically begged the eldest Zeti

"I can perform a trick that can put him to sleep for a while, but I need you three to hold him still." Master Zik replied, strangely calm for all the chaos going on a few feet away from him. Sonic fought the saltiness assaulting his eye's as he managed to make out Master Zik standing above him, his hands bathed in a glowing purple arua, Sonic jerked his head back and forth, trying to be as difficult as possible for the Zeti's, "No!" "No way!" "Your not taking me back to those d-despicable fucking humans!" Sonic groaned, his throat hurt so bad it felt like it was lined with molten lava, "We're not taking you back to Earth, from how your acting humanity has been quite cruel to you." "Just relax, if you cooperate this will go by quickly." Master Zik sternly explained, placing his hands on the temples of Sonic's head, a purple haze overtook Sonic's vision, he blinked and it was gone.

Whatever magical spell or ritual Master Zik did to Sonic's mind, it worked fast. Within seconds, Sonic could feel his muscles relax and his mind go blank, his eye's became heavy to the point that he could barely keep his eye's open, Sonic stopped fighting as his body relaxed, practically melting into the bottom of the boat as the slow rocking back and forth lulled him to sleep. Sonic closed his eye's and felt his pain and suffering dissolve as his mind and body gave in to the spell, he allowed his mind to drift into unconsciousness as he finally fell asleep, unsure of what would await him when he woke up again.

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