Part 17

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Sonic tried to struggle away from The President but to no avail, Sonic glared daggers at The President as he walked over with a smug grin on his face and knelt down on one knee right in front of Sonic.

"Enjoy your beauty sleep?" The President asked sarcastically. Sonic didn't respond, he just pursed his lips and scowled at The President.

"Tch, the least you can do is answer me, brat." The President scoffed. When Sonic continued to stay silent, The President suddenly grabbed Sonic by the throat with one hand and started to squeeze.

Sonic wheezed and coughed, frantically struggling but unable to break free.

"Not so tough now, are you?" The President mocked. Sonic opened his mouth and suddenly spat a big spitball at The President, the spitball landing on the right sleeve of The President's suit.

The President immediately recoiled his arm away from Sonic neck in disgust, staring at his sleeve for a moment before giving Sonic and harsh backhanded slap across the face.

"You disgusting creature!" "You'll pay for that!" He snarled, standing up and turning to the metal table "" Sonic wheezed, a large red welt quickly forming on his left cheek.

The President didn't respond to Sonic's taunt, instead he picked up the strange baton and started to twirl it around in his hands. "Do you know what this is?" The President asked rhetorically as he turned to face Sonic. "Lemme guess, it's a banana peeler?" Sonic snapped sarcastically.

"No actually it's an electric baton." "It has the capabilities of a taser but the appearance of a train conductors baton." The President scoffed, The President bent down on one knee again, pressing a button hidden on the bottom of the baton which caused the knob on top of the button to flicker with light and spark.

Without warning The President rammed the electrical baton into Sonic's stomach, Sonic screamed in agony as what felt like a wildfire of pain coursed through his body. The President grinned wickedly as he held the electrical baton against Sonic's stomach and a thin blanket of electricity covered Sonic's body.

After a few seconds The President turned the baton off and held it away from Sonic, for Sonic it felt like all the air had been ripped from his throat and pain induced tears pricked at the corners of his eyes, his body felt tingly and exausted all at the same time.

The President allowed Sonic a few seconds to breathe, before turning the electric baton back on and ramming the baton into Sonic's stomach again. Sonic let out another blood curdling scream of pain, his screams intertwining with hacking coughs as the rope tied around his neck start to make him gag.

Electrocute, breather, electrocute, breather, electrocute.

This cycle continued for a few minutes before The President grew bored and stopped electrocuting him for good. Sonic was left hacking and wheezing, gasping for air as dull aching pain hovered over him and tears were steadily streaming down his face.

"Let's try something a bit more...cutting." The President mocked as he picked up the kitchen knife from the metal table. He started to walk towards Sonic when a low, animalistic growling echoed throughout the building.

The President slowly turned around to scan behind him when a blur of white and black tackled him and knocked him to the ground, the kitchen knife slipping out of his hands.

Sonic's emerald green eyes widened when he saw Zor, the tiniest member of The Deadly Six pinning The President to the ground by holding the human's arms away from his body in a T-pose position. The President tried to push Zor off of him but Zor was surprisingly strong and held The President in place with ease.

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