Part 8

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Sonic POV:

Sonic yawned, waking up to bright sunshine spilling in through his bedroom window. Sonic sat up in his bed, he was home, he was safe, but he felt uneasy. He had another nightmare last night, thankfully it hadn't been too bad, but it was still unsettling. Sonic sniffed the air, it smelled like something was cooking in the kitchen, Sonic got out of bed and walked into the kitchen, Tails was cooking something on the stove. "Morning Tails, what are you cooking?" Sonic asked groggily, Tails turned the stove off and turned to Sonic with a smile on his face. "I'm making chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast!" "Do you want some?" Tails asked, Sonic nodded and smiled wide, pancakes sounded great right now.

Tails audibly gasped and covered his mouth with his hand, his face twisted in a look of horror, Sonic was confused until he realized what had happened. When Sonic smiled at Tails he unintentionally showed all his teeth, and Sonic had unfortunately had a couple of teeth knocked out during the 4-5 weeks he was held captive by humans. Sonic covered his mouth with his hand, quietly mumbling out, "Sorry bud..." The room was quiet for a few seconds before Tails smiled softly at Sonic and gently took ahold of Sonic's hand, leading Sonic's hand away his mouth and holding his adoptive big brother's hand. "It's okay Sonic, it's nothing to be ashamed of." Tails said softly, smiling at Sonic, Sonic couldn't help but smile back, not showing his teeth this time but smiling nonetheless. "Now let's eat some pancakes!" Tails announced, which Sonic responded with a happy, "Sounds good to me!"

Rouge POV:

Rouge had been on the computer doing research all day, she had been combing through G.U.Ns files trying to find anything that might help with the investigation of Sonic's captors and tormentors. She had collected a fair bit of information that she thought might be useful and had been writing it down on a notepad or printing out what was too complex to write down but she wanted to wait and see what information Shadow, Eggman and Metal Sonic had collected to compile it all together.

"Rouge, are you done?" "I have some information I'd like to cross-reference with whatever information you found." Shadow's voice rang out from behind her, Rouge stood up from the computer to see Shadow holding a file full of paperwork, "Yeah, I'm done." "Let's see what you got." Rouge said, and Shadow placed the file down on the table and opened it, the first thing Rouge saw were two mugshots of the men that fit the description Sonic had given, both of them glaring into the camera like the photographer had insulted them before taking the picture.

"These two are registered as agent's for an organization called the Anti Alien Crusade or the A.A.C for short." "The A.A.C are known for their brutality and ruthlessness, they hate all aliens and think that any being that's not from Earth doesn't deserve to be on Earth." "G.U.N and many others have been hunting them down for ages, but no matter how many A.A.C agents that get arrested, more agents just get hired to replace the arrested ones." "These two also fit the description of the agents who kidnapped Sonic perfectly. Shadow said before pointing to the first mugshot, "The first agent is named Jon Harbour, he's in his early 30s and had been reported to have the skill to quickly learn and retain information and he also has a lengthy criminal record." Shadow explained, lifting away the first mugshot to reveal the second one underneath the first. "The second agent is named Cecil Stonebrook, late 20s, he's registered as a raging alcoholic with a tendency to become more aggressive the more drunk he gets." "To no surprise, he also has a lengthy criminal record." Shadow stated.

Rouge thought for a moment before speaking, "Do either of them have a home address or an address for the A.A.C HQ?" Rouge asked hopefully but Shadow shook his head no. "I couldn't find any address listed anywhere." Shadow said with a disappointed tone in his voice. A ping from both of their G.U.N approved wristbands that doubled as a communicator caught their attention. It was a notification from their supervisor, he had approved them to work with Eggman and Metal Sonic and even said that Eggman and Metal Sonic had some valuable information, so the duo went over to see what Eggman and Metal Sonic had uncovered.


Eggman, Metal Sonic, Shadow and Rouge were in a G.U.N office, Metal Sonic was sitting at a computer with the other three standing around the robot. "Our supervisor said that you uncovered some valuable information, what exactly did you find?" Shadow asked, Metal Sonic tapped a few buttons on the keyboard before a website listed as "The Glorious Anti Alien Crusade." Metal Sonic scrolled down a bit to reveal a string of messages from various A.A.C agents, most of them talking about how much they hated aliens and things like that.

"This website is completely foul, it's been around for 14 years but the name and IP address is always changing, it's rooted through the dark web and the current IP address is listed as Antarctica." "Thankfully, I found an address for a home in a suburban area about 30 miles southwest of here, apparently it's a prized hangout spot among A.A.C agents to drink, smoke and gamble." "The two agents that kidnapped Sonic are also frequently found here, a party is being hosted there tomorrow night." Metal Sonic turned to face the other three, "This might be our best, and only chance of finding these Agent 1 and 2 people." Metal Sonic said, the tension in the air so thick you could cut it with a knife, Shadow and Rouge looked at each other and nodded, "I'll get our supervisor to put a squad together." Rouge said, "And I'll get an army of Swatbots to make sure none of these monsters slip out through our fingers." Eggman declared.

Rouge and Eggman then left the room, but Shadow stayed behind, Metal Sonic did too, he was curious to see why Shadow was staying behind. "Shadow?" Metal Sonic asked, Shadow stayed quiet, deep in thought before looking up and locking eyes with Metal Sonic. "There's one things I still don't understand, why is the President involved with these A.A.C people?" "He always seemed to like the idea of working with aliens, especially Sonic." "Why turn on Sonic and his previous ideals all of a sudden?" Shadow thought out loud, Metal Sonic stayed quiet for a few seconds before answering Shadow's question.

"No matter tightly a mask is fastened, it always slips off eventually." "That's a quote from Doctor Eggman's grandfather, the doctor said that his grandfather told him that a long time ago." "It means that you can hide behind a facade for a while, but you can't keep it up forever." Metal Sonic said, Shadow was intrigued now, even though he already had a pretty clear guess of what the answer would be he decided to ask Metal Sonic for the answer, he was curious to hear the robot's input. "And that applies to our current situation how?" Shadow asked, "It applies here because The President might have pretended to like Sonic so he could manipulate him and use Sonic for his own benefit but he couldn't hold down his hatred for Sonic forever." Metal Sonic stated, Shadow nodded sliently before they too left the room to catch up with Rouge and Eggman.

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