Grian's POV:

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   Grian sat, watching as the sun started to rise above the mountains in the hurisen. It was one of those early mornings, and he hated them. Living in the end for a while had messed up his sleep schedule horrendously. He would wake up in the middle of the night well rested, or he would sleep till the middle of the day, it bothered the crap out of him. "Another early morning again, huh bud?" A voice said behind him. Turning around Grian saw Xisuma was standing behind him, with his green helmet's visor a light purple grey colour. "Ye-yah, couldn't sleep. I had another nightmare." Grian said as he shifted to make room for X to sit. 

   Sitting down beside Grian, X noticed him tense up, the hairs on his neck stood on end, as he started fidgeting with his hands in his lap. "Hey calm down, whatever it was can't get you here." X tried reassuring Grian as he put his hand on his shoulder. 'He doesn't know that, if they really wanted to get me, they would have already.' "I-I know, it's still freeky" He said, leaning away from X. Their relationship had always been like father and son, they were close, but like a father and son they wouldn't tell the other everything. "If you say so . . . . just make sure to tell someone if something is wrong . . . . . .oh also Mumbo wanted to see you, once he was awake" X said as he stood up, and brushed some dirt off his turtle themed armour. 

   Grian nodded and stretched, reaching up and behind his head. His large red hoodie/jumper/sweater shifted a bit, but settled once he stood up. 'Just a little bit longer, and I can fly' He thought as he nodded. "I will, I just gotta get set up on a starter base first" Grian said as he turned away to face the sea below. Xisuma nodded and walked away. After a bit, and once Grian was sure no one was around he let out a sigh. He started climbing down the cliff, once he hit the sand below he relaxed, and took off his hoodie. 

   Underneath was a white tank-top, and a WHOLE lot of scars, There were so many scars on his arms, back, and neck. He sighed and dove into the freezing ocean water. The salty water stung his eyes for a moment before his 'Magic' glazed over his eyes to protect them. The deeper he went the colder it got, the fish were of the abundance here. It was like a whole other world down there. To Grian it felt like flying, to others it was like being suffocated. To be free and to have nothing to stop you, nothing to get in your way. 

   Just a bunch of sea critters and H2O, oh and the plants. Grian smiled and in a bright flash of purple magic engulfed him. Once it cleared, Grian had changed. His hair was a bit spiky, but that wasn't the thing that changed the most. He had dark purple feathers on the skin above his temporal bone, sphenoid bone, and zygoma bones. Brown feathers in his hair, dark purple feathers all over his back, and bird legs from his shin and below. His bird talons were currently webbed for swimming. His feathers were currently waterproof, which helped when he went swimming. Unpronounced to him, one of the other hermits was watching him swim. 

(Unfinished) Feathers/Birds of a featherWhere stories live. Discover now