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                     ⨅ᒷリᔑᑑ⚍╎ꖎ 's POV:

       They hated the watchers, yes they might be one themselves, but they hated them still. ⨅ᒷリᔑᑑ⚍╎ꖎ scoffed and sat up from their hammock in the courtyard. There had always been 4 main watchers, Quint, Astro, and Zelo. ⨅ᒷリᔑᑑ⚍╎ꖎ themselves was the fifth watcher and Xelqua was the fourth. Well, ⨅ᒷリᔑᑑ⚍╎ꖎ was an extra do to some . . . . . . . . . hybrid mixing between another watcher and an avian. That watcher had been killed by Zelo, who was the 'prime' Watcher. Xelqua was a result of the hybrid cross, ⨅ᒷリᔑᑑ⚍╎ꖎ was a cross between a watcher hybrid and a vampire. The other watchers treated ⨅ᒷリᔑᑑ⚍╎ꖎ horribly, saying that their magic was never going to be as strong as a real watcher, and that they were weak. 'We'll see about that' They had been practising with their magic recently, and they were getting more powerful by the moment. The 'prime' watcher's magic was a bronze colour, meaning they were really powerful. Quint and Astro's magic was a red colour, and Xelqua's magic was a silver colour. If they remembered correctly, Gold was the strongest, next was Silver, then Bronze, then Red, Purple, then White. The strongest and most sought after magic was Black, no watcher had had Black magic ever since the watchers had fallen to darkness.  ⨅ᒷリᔑᑑ⚍╎ꖎ's magic was a mix between Bronze and Silver. The trainy watchets bounced around them when they came into the library to get some more books. "⨅ᒷリᔑᑑ╎ꖎ Your awake! Come show us some of your moves! PLEASE!" The smallest watchet yelped excitedly, as she pulled at ⨅ᒷリᔑᑑ⚍╎ꖎ's cloke. "Not right now, Willow." ⨅ᒷリᔑᑑ⚍╎ꖎ said trying to back away from the small crowd of hatchlings. "Peas!" Willow exclaimed, making puppy dog eyes. ⨅ᒷリᔑᑑ⚍╎ꖎ let out a sigh and gave in. "⨅ᒷリᔑᑑ⚍╎ꖎ can you use your magic to show us what the outside world looks like again?" Another Watchlet asked as ⨅ᒷリᔑᑑ⚍╎ꖎ lead them to the private sparing rooms. "Okay, but you have to promise not to tell Zelo or Quint. Got that?" They asked as they closed the door once the last Watchlet followed in. The hatchlings nodded, and sat down in a circle around ⨅ᒷリᔑᑑ⚍╎ꖎ, giving them enough room to work. Taking a deep breath through their mouth and breathing out through their nose, they started to relax. Bronzy silverish magic poured out of their hands and swirled around the hatchlings as they giggled. "Show us the outside!" Willow pleaded, crawling into ⨅ᒷリᔑᑑ⚍╎ꖎ's lap. They let out a sigh and their magic started to swirl into a picture of the overworld. Green grass, blue skies, animals, mountains and rivers, jungles, and deserts, day and night. The hatchlings gasped with aww. "That's amazin ⨅ᒷリᔑᑑ⚍╎ꖎ." Willow clapped her hands together and smiled up at ⨅ᒷリᔑᑑ⚍╎ꖎ. "How old were you when you lived in the overworld?" Another piped up. ⨅ᒷリᔑᑑ⚍╎ꖎ's face went cold, they had forgotten how long they've been trapped there. "W-ell what I can remember was I was little over the age of 6, and since time in the end dimension is slower than the overworld I've been here for over 1,000 years in overworld time. So I would be 16-20 . . . . most likely I'm 16." ⨅ᒷリᔑᑑ⚍╎ꖎ finally concluded. A few of the older hatchlings gasped. "That means you're still a hatchling or a watchet!" The oldest said. 'Their right, I'm not even a trainy watcher, and yet, I'm powerful for my age. For my power I should be 6,780+.' "⨅ᔑᑑ⚍╎ꖎ please report to the watcher counsel immediately" They hated when their mindspace was intruded for counsel somanings, it was annoying. Willow got of their lap and ⨅ᒷリᔑᑑ⚍╎ꖎ stood up, then teleported to the counsel room.

"Hello young one"


(Unfinished) Feathers/Birds of a featherWhere stories live. Discover now