(Oh boi) 🤷 pov

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(Xelqua in italics, Zena's darker side in bold)

                     ⨅ᒷリᔑᑑ⚍╎ꖎ 's POV:

They stood in front of two large doors, both towered over their small state. ⨅ᒷリᔑ shivered, before opening the doors. Inside was the head watcher Zelo, Quint, and a few other lowers. "Zelo, you summoned me? What for?" ⨅ᒷリᔑ asked, stepping forward. "You have failed us, watcher!" Zelo spat. ⨅ᒷリᔑ didn't understand, they had done everything the watchers had asked of them, and for what? To be treated like crap! "I have done EVERYTHING you have asked of me! What the HELL do you want with me?!" ⨅ᒷリᔑ yeld. Zelo stepped closer to ⨅ᒷリᔑᑑ⚍╎ꖎ, his thunderous voice cracking through the silence as he laughed. He transformed into his true form which towered over the other watchers, he then reached out and pinned ⨅ᒷリᔑᑑ⚍╎ꖎ to the floor by their wing. "Weak little bastard, you'll never get free of your dark past or the watchers." His voice thundered. 'Zena! I need you now!' Xelqua's mental voice cried out from the overworld. 'I can't right now!' "Don't bother helping Xelqua, he's nothing to you" Zelo growled, breaking Zena's mindspace. "I Know Who He Was To ME!" Zena screamed as Zelo put more pressure on their wing. 'Tap into your magic Zena.' 'You and I both know I'm not strong enough to defeat both Zelo and the others.' 'Black magic Zena, let me take over' Zena let out a shaky breath, then after a moment their magic started to pour out of their hands, it was now silver mixed with some gold. 'Go ahead, just don't kill the hatchlings' 'I will try, don't worry your precious little friend Willow will be safe and tucked away.' Zena felt the voice in their head take control.

                                  No pov:

Once Zena let the voice take over , their eyes started to glow gold, and their magic turned fully gold. Zelo sucked in a breath. "What are you doing Zena!"  Zelo hissed, using some of his silver gold magic to keep Zena pinned down. "You never told me about my life before I was taken, that I was dragged back in the past years before I was born. That my one parent is Xelqua, and that they fell in love with their close friend Charlie, also known as Mr. M-" Zena snapped back, but they were abruptly cut off when they let out a pained gasp. Black goop started to bleed from their eyes and mouth. "Z-Zelo, wh-what's happening to her?!" Quint asked as he stepped away from the small watcher hybrid. The black goop continued to pour from their eyes and mouth, and it started to seep down Zena's wings. The goop grabbed hold of Zelo's hand, and started to climb up his arm. He let out a shriek and pulled away, but not before it started to eat away at his hand. Zena's magic started to turn into a voidy black colour and it started to flow into a black ball of magic. "H-how?!" Quint started to make a run for it but not before a black goopy tendral grabbed him and pulled him closer, even with him struggling. Zena used their wing to knock away Zelo, and stood up and started to advance towards Zelo. At this point Zena's wings were entirely covered in the black goop, and was dripping as they walked. Zelo stepped back every time Zena stepped forward. Zelo quickly pulled up a shield of golden magic as Zena blasted black gold magic at him, since their magic was anger driven it was stronger than Zelo's magic, causing him to be blown backwards. (Epic battle ensues!) Eventually Zena fell to their knees, their energy drained. Their eyes turned back to yellow and purple, and the goop in their wings soaked into the feathers, and the rest disappeared into nothingness. Zelo took their moment of weakness and blasted Zena with his golden magic. Once the ball of magic disappeared, there was just a pile of feathers and blood where Zena once was.

                               Zena's POV:

   Zena sat up with a gasp, and quickly looked around. They first realised that they were a lot smaller than they had been. Next they realised that They were sitting in a grassy field overlooking a Cliff over the ocean, in the near distance was a tall modern cake build. They quickly realised they were still in their watcher outfit. They wretched up and pulled the mask off their face, they then chucked it into the nearby ocean. Then they unclipped the cape and burned it with their magic. A sudden scream echoed across the field causing Zena to jump and spin around. Standing in front of them was a tall (well to them she's tall) brown haired woman with flowers in her hair, a blond girl with goggles and a diamond sword, a wolf man hybrid, a nether hybrid, a blue slime man, a zombie with fire scarlet red hair, in the back stood a green armed man, and a creeper goat hybrid with a metal arm and eye. Zena tried to run away but not before the creeper hybrid and the blond with the sword pinned them down. "Watcher" The creeper hybrid hissed in their ear. Their instincts were set off and their wings and tail ploofed up trying to make themselves look bigger. "That's not a normal watcher, Docm." The green armoured man said as he came up the creeper hybrid. Zena let out a pained squawk as Doc put more pressure on their wing, there was a snap and a painful scream from Zena. The blond with the sword used a cloth to gag Zena to stop them from making noises. A tall man with a moustache that Zena hadn't seen before steps out from the shadows and neals down at Zena's head. "Grian has a watcher proof cage in his base" He said looking up at the green armoured man.

                                (Time skip)
   Zena was shoved into the tiny cage by Docm, their broken wing painfully pinned against their back. They started to hyperventilate and panic over took them. A smaller but still tall red sweatered avian hybrid looked at Zena with sad eyes before walking away. Zena let out a pained cry as a needle was poked into their broken wing. They tried to curl into a smaller bundle but they were having a hard time breathing. "Grian! Can you come here for a moment?!" The sheep hybrid that was wearing a lab coat yelled. The red sweatered avian hybrid from earlier came hopping into the room. (he got birby legs) "Ya what's wrong Zedaph?" The bird man apparently called Grian asked. 'That's Xelqua.' "You've had experience with Watchers before, is this what they're supposed to look like? I remember you saying they were taller than Mumbo and Doc. This one is way too small, they also look like an avian hybrid." The sheep hybrid named Zedaph said motioning to the bundle of feathers. "Right, that's not really a watcher, I mean they are, but they weren't born a watcher. They have pale tanish lavender skin, so they were forced into being one, though one of their parents might have also been a watcher." Grian/Xelqua said as he came over and sat next to Zena's cage. He then ran his hands through Zena's feathers on their right wing. They let out a startled squeak and tried to bolt, totally forgetting that they were trapped in a cage. They hit their head on one of the bars and let out a wince as they quickly sunk back into a shaky mess of feathers. "They're still quite young as well, they still have fledgling fuzz on their wings and back." Grian/Xelqua said, pulling his hand back. Zedaph had help from the nether hybrid named Tango earlier when they took off Zena's cloak and under shirt, revealing all their scars. Most of them were from the watchers, but two of them were from top surgery. "How old do you suspect they are?" Zedaph asked as he came back over to the cage and Grian. "In watcher years, about 2, in avian years, one. And in human years they are 16." Grian said as he ran his hands through Zena's wing feathers and fuzz again, causing them to yelp into a fluffy fuzzled mess. "The poor thing, they're not even old enough to be out on their own."
I have no clue what I'm doing
1430 words

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