Scar/Xisuma's Pov's:

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                                                                                             Scar's POV:

         Scar had woken up to his kitten Jelli, mewling like crazy at the back door of their starter base. He sat up, rubbing his large white and grey cat ears, before getting fully up to see what she wanted. "Jelli girl, it's like what, 2 in the morning. What do you want?" Scar said, coming to the kitten's side. Jelli looked up at him, then back outside, and continued mewling. "Jelli" Scar tried again, but to no luck. She continued scratching at the door, till it finally swung open, and Jelli bolted out. "JELLI!" Scar cried as she bound towards the ocean. Normally she wouldn't go towards the water, but right now something was different. "JELLI!" Scar called again. Jelli turned her head for a moment, and Scar could have sworn her eyes flashed purple, before going back to green and blue. Finally, she slowed to a stop about 3 feet from the edge of the water. "Jelli? Why did you run, girl?" Scar asked as he sat next to her. Jelli turned her head to face him, and he saw she had a purple feather, a red feather, a yellow feather, and a blue feather in her mouth. "May I have those please, girl?" Scar asked, retching a hand towards his kitten. Jelli hesitated before dropping the four feathers in Scars hand. He examined them, getting a better look, he could tell that they weren't normal birds feathers. Each one was over a foot and ½ long. "Gosh, these remind me of the legends of avians, their feathers were said to be over 2 feet long." He said to Jelli. She meowed at him as if to say 'Ya.' Scar looked into the ocean water, and found more feathers. All of them were either red, yellow, or blue. Only a few were the purple colour, or black with purple specials. Scar gathered more before going back to his base with Jelli. "I will give these to X tomorrow." He said as he placed them on the chest next to his lamp.

                                                                                  Xisma's POV:

                                                                               (The Morning)

      X had woken up to his communicator buzzing six or seven times, in the middle of the night. Now, normally X wasn't the type to sleep, but after working five days on an hour of sleep wasn't a good idea. He sighed and picked up his communicator.

Main chat catalogue <GoodTimeWithScar> "Hey X, you awake?"

Main chat catalogue <GoodTimeWithScar> "X!?"

Main chat catalogue <Zombie Cleo> "Gosh darnit Scar, give it a rest. He might be afk"

Main chat catalogue <GoodTimeWithScar> "Okay, but it's urgent"

Main chat catalogue <Joe Hills> "Private Message him then, Some people are trying to sleep"

M.C.C(Didn't try that) <G.T.W.Scar> "Uhm how? Ever since these got updated, I can't figure out how to do that"

M.C.C <Zombie Cleo> "Of course"

   X rolled his eyes, and replied

M.C.C <Xisuma-Void> "Sorry I didn't reply, I had dozed off at some point, while working. What's up Scar?"

M.C.C <G.T.W.Scar> "So uhm, I found something weird near my mega base, would you mind coming over?"

M.C.C <Xisuma-Void> "Sure, give me five or so minutes."

M.C.C <G.T.W.Scar> " Okay, see you soon."

      Xisuma yawned and stood up. He had fallen asleep at his coding desk again. 'What did I miss this time, I hope no bugs got through. They're such a pain to deal with' The moment he looked away a new code popped up.

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