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Luna's POV

I drive the last 20 minutes before I hit the outskirts of the town I'm hoping to call home with my daughter, Ava.

I past a couple of shops and a park that I know Ava would love to go to. Before I pull in and park in front of a small motel. I get out the car and head to the backdoor and open it, sitting there in her car seat is my baby girl sound a sleep. I love her so much and would do anything to protect her from this world.

My parents kicked me out when my twin 'lied' to them about me, I come home from nursing school for Christmas to find all my thing out on the front step with a letter and that they want nothing to do with me. I grab my things and never looked back. That was 7 months ago.

Even though I'm a drop out of nursing school one of my professors called me 3 days ago saying that her granddaughter is looking for help in her small town clinic, I jumped at the chance to do what I love and that's why I'm here in this small town. I start in 2 days so I have time to settle in and to get Ava use to the place.

I cant wait for the day that we no longer have to stay in shitty motel room.

I have the key to our room and just as I go to open the door Ava lifts her head from my neck. "Ava and mommy?" she ask me. "Sure" I say back to her.

We enter the room and I sit on the bed with my back resting on the headboard with Ava still in my arms. I pull my tank tap and bra down so that my left breast is exposed. Ava takes no time on latching on and cuddle me tight. this is what she calls 'Ava and mummy time' I swap breast 10 minutes later but Ava doesn't want anymore so I grab my phone so she can watch Pepper Pig while I go out to the car to grab what we need for the next couple of days.

She 2 and is still breast feeding, she doesn't have as often as she did but she likes the closeness that it brings, as do I.

I set up her travel cot and get all her things ready for bath time later on. I also clean the bath out as its not the cleanest and I will not let Ava bath in a dirty bath.

Once everything is done I go back to the room and lay down with Ava. its these moments that I always cherish. its the small things in life that makes us happy.

Me and Ava cuddle for a couple of hours before its time for dinner. Dinner isn't dinner without Ava making a mess.

Once she is done I leave the mess, picking her up I head to the bathroom and place her on her feet before I start her bath. once full enough Ava has already undressed so I lift her into the bath.

She plays in the bath for a bit with the toys Mrs Times got for her birthday (my professor) before I start to wash her hair and body, once she is clean I get her out and wrap her in her towel before taking her into our room and getting her dry before dressing her. "You ready for bed baby?" I ask her and get a nod and a yawn.

I lay her down in her cot before placing a blanket over her. "Night baby, mommy loves you forever" I tell her. "Lowve you too always" she says back.

I get on with cleaning up the motel. having a 2 year old gets messy. half an hour later I strip and step into the shower, allowing the hot water to hit my skin. Tears start to full as I think of what my life has become.

"Your a bad mother. Your never get any where in life, your a slut that opens her legs, never come back we hate you" The words of the letter my parents wrote runs though my head and sometime I believe there words because what mom would put there kid thought this, I cry just at the thought.

I stand and just let my tears full, once my tears dry up I start washing my hair and body before I exit the shower, wrapping a towel around myself. I dry off before I slip on a t-shirt and clean underwear. I get into bed and drift of to sleep.

The next morning I'm woken by a small hand patting my face. I smile and slowly open my eyes and right there is my baby girls bright smile. She loves to climb out of her cot every morning just to wake me up. "Morning baby" I say to her pulling her into a tight hug she giggles when I do this, I love her giggle. It make my day hearing it.

"What do you want to do today?" I ask her when she lifts her head away from me. "PAWK" She shouts and I just laugh at the way she says 'park'.

"Okay, breakfast them wash up and we can go to the park after" I tell her. she jumps of the bed and I follow her.

Breakfast done, teeth brush and face washed, I dress Ava in leggings and a white t-shirt with a pink love heart on the front of it. I dress in jeans and a band tee before I slip on my boots and then putting on Ava trainers before heading out to the park I saw when I was driving into town yesterday.

We get to the park 10 minutes later, Ava runs off as soon as she can. "STAY WHERE I CAN SEE YOU" I shout after her, she just keeps running.

I sit at a bench that is close to the slide she is playing on and that I'm able to keep Ava in site. I sit and watch her play, when a girl and a boy around the age of 5 comes up to her and she smiles big at whatever they are saying to her before she runs of with them.

"Hey" A voice to my left says. taking my eyes off Ava I look up to see a girl no older then 18, shes covered in tattoos, her hair is bright blue, it looks good on her. She wears a baggy tee and black ripped skinny jeans. "Can I sit?" she asks I nod a yes.

"Hi" I say when she sits.

"I'm Skye" she tells me holding out her hand, I take her hand in mine "Luna" I tell her,

"Luna. nice name" she smiles at me

"Thanks" I say.

"So I'm guessing your new in town as I've not seen you around before" she says

"Yeah came into town yesterday, I start work at the clinic tomorrow" I tell her

"Oh your the new nurse" she bounces happily.

"Yep that's me, I just got to try and figure out what I'm going to do with Ava" I tell her

"Ava?" she questions brows creased.

"My 2 year old daughter" I point to wear Ava is still playing with the 2 children from earlier.

"Wow, it looks like Jackie and Tommy found a new friend" she tells me and I look to the boy and girl.

She doesn't look older enough to have two kid aged 5 but I could be wrong.

"They yours?" I ask.

She laughs "Oh shit no, they are my niece and nephew I'm on babysitting for the day" she tells me.

"Oh sorry for asking"

"Its ok" she waves me off.

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