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Luna's POV

"To understand why i looked scared I need to tell you some stuff about my life." I tell him. I'm so scared that my hands start to shake.

"I'm listening, I will always be hear to listen" he tells me. He gets up and moves to sit with me on the loveseat. I automatically snuggle into him, he wraps one arm around my shoulder and starts playing with my damp hair. His gentle touch calms me and I relax into him more, with my head resting on his chest. I hear his steady heartbeat and just take a moment to listen. Before I build up the courage to speak.

"I've always been the black sheep of the family, I'm the one with red hair while mom and my twin has blonde hair and well dad's always had gray hair since I was little but I've seen pictures and he had light brown coloured hair.

I know my father loved me but with his work he was always away on business trips. So that left me, Jasmin and our mother at home. They both hated me for unknown reasons and when I had Jasmin's boyfriend arrested over 3 and half years ago things got worse.

Only one other person knows why he was arrested and thats only because they were there that night.

But anyway I went off to college to become a nurse. But 8 months later Ava was born. I managed to juggle a new born and school with help from a friend and one of my professors.

Two years later I went home for Christmas and found all my things I didn't take with me to college, on the door step off my family home with a letter."

The letter,,,

Luna, you are not my daughter as my daughter wouldn't be a slut that opens her legs. Jasmin is much better then you and you know it to be true. Jasmin told me that you have a little brat, she also told me why Brandon got arrested years ago, you love crying wolf, always lying just to get attention.
Your going to a bad mother  and will get no where in life, don't come back here. Also your father wants nothing to do with you and agrees with me. So I've packed you things and left them in the dirt where you and them belong.

From the person that wishes you were never born.


I've read the letter so many time that I can state it from memory. So I spoke it out loud to Bear.

"That was 7 months ago and if it wasn't for the help I got, I don't know where I would off been. Ava and I have been living in motels and barley getting by, I dropped out of college to get job as a waitress. It was okay and my manager was happy to have Ava there when I worked. But when my professor told me that her granddaughter needed help in a clinic, in a small town I jumped at the change to be able to build a better life for Ava and me.

Also I don't know how Jasmin found out about Ava but she did I guess. She went straight home and told our parents lies, just so she could be the victim in all of this."

"I'm sorry baby that you went though that but remember you are not alone anymore and there's no need to put everything on you shoulders." He tells me, still running his hands though my hair. "I know and thank you. But there's more" I say sitting up and facing him.

"For the past 3 days I've been calling every lawyer I know and sadly they are unwilling to help. I had one more lawyer to call but I was putting it off because I was so scared off what he would think off me. My mother told me he hated me and I really didn't want it to be true.

"My father is Lewis Lang, one of the best lawyers in America. That's who I was on the phone too before dinner."

"Okay, well I can see why you were scared, but why not tell me." He ask. Not caring that I have a big shot lawyer as a father.

"The words in the letter have been in my head since I read the letter 7 months ago. I was ashamed and I started to believe the words in the letter.

If I didn't go to that stupid party, my drink wouldn't of been spiked and I wouldn't off woken up the next morning with lots of blood between my legs." I tell Bear my biggest secret that only two other people know, (well apart from the police, lawyers and judge) and those two people blamed me. I'm sobbing at this point and I just can't stop the sobs that rack through my body. Bear pulls me into his arms and hugs me like I'm going to disrepair any second, while whispering soothing words in my ear. We stay like this till I calm down and start hiccuping. "I'm...sorry" I managed to get out.

"Luna this is not you fault, you are a survivor. Your strong, beautiful, a kicks ass mother and those words in that letter are just that. Words. You are nothing like want that woman you call a mother says. I've seen sluts that open there legs for anyone, I'm around them most days for crying out loud, and you my angel are nothing like them. I promise you" he says to me and just hearing him tell me all this, calms me.

"Also that night was not you fault and I've said it once and I will say it again. You are a survivor."

I look up at him and even though emotions are high and that I stop us last time because of the same reason, I just couldn't help what I did next.

I lean in and our lips are inches apart, Bear close the gap and I feel his warm breath on my lips,  but before our lips even touch, we hear. "Mummy"

I pull back from Bear and feel sad and cold that I can no longer feel his warmth. I wipe my eyes before getting up and walking into the hallway where I see my little girl rubbing her tired eyes with one small hand and the other holding her blanket.

"What's the matter baby" I say and get down to her level. "Nightmare" she says hugging me. "Do you want to sleep with mummy tonight" I ask, she nods yes and I walk her into the room I'm staying in and cuddle up with her. We both fall asleep and it's not till the next morning that I wake up.

I check my phone and see that it's 6:30am and I also have a text from my dad saying he will be here Friday.

Oh shit, I forgot to tell Bear that my father will take his case and that he will be here in the next couple of days.

It's not till after breakfast I'm able to tell Bear that my father, Mr Lewis Lang will gladly be his lawyer. I've never seen a man smile so big till just then.

Bear is less tense for the rest of the day and is able to enjoy some time with Tommy. While Tank watched over the club for the day.

I'm really hoping thing go Bear's way, but you never know. And that's what makes me nervous.

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