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A/N There's a POV near the end that maybe hard for some of you to read and that's okay. Just skip to the next chapter.
Mention of abuse towards a child.

Luna's POV

It's been a week since that emotional
day when my father arrived. But thankfully after that day everything went back to normal, well not all of it was normal. Everyone kept looking at me weird and when I meet there eyes they would just look away. Even Bear was acting weird around me and I even asked him what's wrong and all I got back was him saying "nothing" ever time I would ask. Even Skye is acting strange with me. But I left it alone for now as I have other things to worry about.

My father was the only one that would look at me and be normal with me. Well that was when I would see him, I've not seen him much as he's always in Bear's office.

Tommy has his appointment with the psychiatrist in two days

Bear sat Tommy down the night before and explain to him what's going to happen the next day. He took it as well as any 5 year old would. Buy he looked a little scared when Bear told him that he's need to be honest with the psychiatrist. My heart brokes for him, no child at his age should have to go though any of this.

When we finish talking with Tommy we decided we would take both Tommy Ava to the ice cream parlour down the road. Just so Tommy can relax and have fun before tomorrow.

I am worried about how any of this could affect him. I know everyone in the club will do everything to help get hin though this.

I know I'm not this mother but I'll protect him like my son and help him if he needs me.

I think back to when I first meet Tommy and it's funny because it was only 3 weeks ago, but to me those 3 weeks felt like a life time ago.

I remember how sad Tommy was when he saw me and Ava together. I wanted to take away the sadness I saw in his eyes, that are the same colour as his father's.

I wanted to hug him and I was happy when he aloud me to hug him. I felt this feeling deep inside of me when I held him in my arms. Its the same feeling I have with Ava. I promised myself then and there, that I would do everything in my power to protect this little boy from the world.

It still baffles me to think that any parent, whether it's a mother or a father. treating their child so horrible, they way I read Cindy has to Tommy. My father aloud me to look at the files and even though he said he's not really supposed too. I just gave him my best puppy dog eyes and he gave in. It made me sick to read the mental and emotional abuses Cindy gave Tommy. Also what confuses me is that if all these people have witnessed it why have they not gone to Bear or the police about. Any from of abuse to a child is against the law.

A child is supposed to be loved and cared for all the way through their life even when they're 50 and we as parents are old, gray and wrinkly.

That's what I think anyway.

We get back home from the ice cream parlour about 7pm, I bath Ava in the guest bathroom while Bear baths Tommy in his bathroom. I dry and dress Ava in her uniform pyjamas before laying her in Tommy's bed, she love sleeping next Tommy, she hasn't told me why and I don't ask.

Bear and Tommy came in the room and as soon as the young boys head hits the pillow he's out like a light. Ava soon followed. Bear and I kissed there foreheads before walking out the room and closing the door half way.

We both walk to the kitchen together, Bear leans over the island in the middle of the kitchen with his head in his hands. I give him a moment and go grab a beer for him and water for myself out the fridge.

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