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Luna's POV

Skye invited both me and Ava to the club cookout. I wasn't so sure to start with but once Skye told me that there will be other kids there I was a little more at ease. She did however tell me that some of the club bunny's would be there. Aka club whores.

Skye's words, not mine.

We've been at this cookout for the past 2 hours and I'm happy to say its going good so far. Ava is playing with Tommy and some other children. It looks like tag, she's running around the huge jungle gym they have outside with a massive smile on her face.

I love seeing my baby happy and enjoying herself. But it does make me sad that she doesn't get to play with other children much as we've been going from motel to motel since being kicked out of my parents home.

I push back the tears that threaten to fall, just as my baby come running up to me with a toothy smile, opening my arms for her she jumps right into them, I place her on my hip and ask.

"You having fun baby girl?"

She nods her head 'yes' really fast and I smile at her. "Yes mummy, I made more fwiends." She says.

"That's good baby. Do you want to go swimming with me or stay and play with friends?" I ask her.

"SWIMMING" she shouts and I can't help but laugh as she does a happy dance.

We both get into the pool and even thought it's summer I'm glad the pool is heated. As I know Ava will get cold quickly if it wasn't.

I teach her how to swim, never letting go of her. She does amazing and I'm so proud of how fast she has picked it up.

We stay in the pool for a little while before Ava told me she was hungry and would like a snack. I got us both out the pool and went to our bags with spare clothing in. Looking around I couldn't find Skye. I did however spot her brother, Bear. I saw him as soon as I walked in and man he's hot. I didn't come here looking for someone or to fall for a biker but you have to be blind not to see how pantie melting he is.

I shift my thoughts as I approach him and two other men.

"Excuse me" I say to get his attention. He turns me, I'm still holding Ava but she hides her face as soon as we have 3 pairs of eyes on us. Yeah she can be shy but don't let that fool you.

"Hello Luna" fuck, I'm screwed. The way he just said me name is making me wet, his voice is deep and sexy with a southern twang.

"Your Bear, right?" I ask and he nods. "Good, um... I was looking for you sister Skye so she can show me where I can change out of the wet clothes, so Ava doesn't get cold now that it starting to get cooler." As I say 'wet clothes' he scans my body from head to toe. I'm only is a bikini and it doesn't leave much to the imagination. His jaw ticks as he does and I see an emotion in his eyes that is gone to fast for me to place.

"Sure, I will show you were you and I'm guessing your daughter can change." He say looking at Ava with a tender smile.

"Thank you and yeah she is" I say kissing the top of Ava's red curls.

He ushers me to follow and I do. We walk into the club house and up two flights off stairs, there's only one door up here, unlocking the door Bear opens it wide. I'm guessing this is his room. I take in the room and see it is not a room but an apartment. The living room is to the left, with a sofa and a love seat on the back wall with a flat screen TV on the wall in front of the seating area,  it's cosy and looks well lived in, with toys and books on the floor that are Tommy's I'm guessing. Skye said that Jackie was her older sisters kid and she never mentioned any other siblings apart from Bear.

I walk further into the room and see an open kitchen to the right of the living room and a hallway with 4 doors, just past the living room.

"If you would like you could use the guest bathroom to shower the chlorine off and it also means that if little Ava here falls asleep you don't have to wake her up later for a bath." He tells me pointing to the door that is the bathroom in question. I thank him before leaving and making my way to the bathroom.

Wow. Is all I have to say when I step foot into the bathroom, not only is it gorgeous it's also huge, with a shower that could fit at least 5 people in it and the same for the bath. White and black tiles line both the shower and bath, the shower head and taps are silver and the rest of the walls are white as is the floor.

I place Ava down and see her rubbing her eyes, yeah she's tired so it's a good thing Bear allowed us to use his bathroom because it won't be long before Ava is asleep. Showering both of use and then drying Ava off and putting her in PJ's that have little fairy's all over before brushing her wet hair and braiding it into two plats.

I dry and change myself once I got Ava ready. Jean shorts and a tank with a long cardigan over top will do for me, putting my hair into a messy bun before I clean up our mess and put our wet clothing into a bag, grabbing Ava's hand we both walk out of the bathroom and see Bear standing just outside.

"Hi" is all he says before bending down to Ava's level.

"Hey Angel, Tommy just asked if you could sleep over and if okay with you mom. Would you like too?" His voice is soft when he speaks to her and it does something to me that I can't place. Ava doesn't know her father and never will. I know I sound like a bad mum keeping her from her father but what he did to me to the night I conceived my baby girl. I will never put my child in harm's way and her father hurt me in the worst possible way and I will never let Ava be hurt by him, not even when I'm dead. I will happily come and torment the bastard.

"Mummy can I." Ava says bringing me out of the bad memory that was slowly creeping into my mind. I smile and nod not able to speak. She squeals and runs off. Probably to find Tommy. Looking up from where Ava ran off to I see a look in Bears eyes and again like early I try to analyse it but it's gone within seconds. I shake it off and walk away but not before again thanking him for allowing us to wash up.

I see Ava, Tommy and Jackie playing on the floor with 2 other kids.

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