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Bear's POV

I knew I shouldn't bribe my own child just so I can have my girl stay with me but I new she wouldn't leave Ava so i bribed my 5 year old with as much sweets as he wants just to ask Luna if him and Ava can have a sleepover.

I knew she would say no when i asked and she did, but when Tommy asked not even 5 seconds later with his puppy dog eyes and a pout. She ended up saying yes. The kids jumped with joy about having a sleepover, I was happy that I get a lot more time with her.

That was an hour ago, the kids are in Tommy's room watching a movie. My girl and I, are sat on the sofa, we both have beers and watching some action movie on the TV. More her then me, as I can't stop staring at how beautiful he looks.

She looks at me and gives me a look before smirking. "What" I asks. She just shakes her head and sighs.

"I know what you did, Tommy can't keep anything a secret" she says leaning back on the arm of the sofa so she is facing me. I give her a sheepish look. "Sorry"

"It was clever, I will give you that. But don't ever use the kids like that again, at least came to me and talk." She gives me a stren stare as she says this. All I do is nod 'yes' and apologies again.

"So, I need to talk to you and what I'm about to say is way out of line but I really don't care. Because I know if it was Ava I would like the know, also don't go off on one and let Tommy come to you." At the mention of my son I sit up straight. "What about Tommy? Is he okay?"

"He's fine, but watching other parents with there kids" I cut her off. "I try and be there as much as I can and I do so much with him, being a parent, it's not a walk in the park but I'm doing my best" I get anger at the end.

She comes closer and puts her hand on my leg and rubs circles with her thumb. "Bear is not you, that little boy loves you and I know your trying you best, it all anyone can ask for. It his mum"

"What do you mean?" I ask. Already knowing what she means and I've been trying to protect him from Cindy, put she always manages to do something when my back is turned. You can't watch your kids 24/7 and as much as I would love to do that, I also have a MC to run and other to look out for. Tommy will alway be my top priority.

"All I'm going to say is, watch how she is with Tommy. Then ask Tommy what's going on."

As much as I would love to ask him now, I know that I can't ask till I truly see what's going one first hand. We finish the movie and both head to bed.

All night I think about what Luna said. It wasn't in till about 2am, I finally fall asleep with a plan on what I'm going todo tomorrow.

Waking up the next morning, I smell eggs and bacon, I also hear kids laughing and it make me happy to wake up to that sound. I go to the bathroom, brush my teeth and take a leak before putting on some running shorts with no top. I make it to the living and see Tommy and Ava playing on the floor, I smile at them before making way to the kitchen the opens up to the living room and right the is the most beautiful sight I've ever seen. Luna only is a tank top and shorts dancing away to some music playing, while cooking breakfast. I stand a watch her for a bit, till she goes to turn.

"Shii....Um sugar!" she screams, she quickly catches her slip up. "Has no one told you not to scare a girl in the mornings, exactly when she has a spatula in her hand" she says after her breathing slows.

"Considering you the first woman I've had up here and most the woman I've been with, all leave by morning so to answer you question. No I have not." I say as I approach her and remove the spatula from her hand and then press my mouth to her ear, I feel her shiver and can tell I affect her. "Now baby, why don't you plate up so we can all eat and later I may just have to spank you with the spatula just so you can lean not to sass me" my tone is soft but also demanding, I bit her ear before pulling back and smiling at the lust in her eyes and the redness in her cheeks. We stand the face to face, it not till we hear the kids voices do we both pull back, I go to the coffee maker and she goes back to cooking breakfast.

Breakfast done, kids clean and dressed for the day, kitchen clean. All throw breakfast I couldn't keep my eyes from flicking to Luna once every so often, I catch her eyes as I do so.

We all head down stairs and it's not till we hit the bottom step and step into the bar area that all hell breaks lose and no I'm not talking gunfire from a rival club. Nope, sitting there with stream coming out there ears.


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