Sneak Peak (BOOK 2)

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A/N... With the first book close to being finished (mid April) I thought I would give my amazing reader's a sneak peak at book 2.
Sniper&Tank's story is next. Its a M/M romance, one is still in the closet and the other is out and proud, one has a homophobic father the other has no family to speak off. One night was all it took to change everything then the next morning it come crashing down when one off them left with out a trace. 

Home sweet home

Sniper's POV

I've just landed back on US soil after 5 years, being the middle of July in Texas the air is hot and muggy not that it bothers me. Spending the last year in the desert on deployment I've got use to the heat over there so Texas heat is nothing to me.

My last tour, I'm home for good. But whether I'm welcomed home is a whole different matter.

Sighing at the memory of my last day I was home. But I wipe the memory of him and that night, quickly ridding the memory.

"Fuck" I mutter, wiping my hand down my face in frustration.

I'm still in uniform so walking though the airport, people smile and thank me for what I've done for my country. Don't get me wrong its nice but if they really knew what was going on over seas and what I've done they would not be thanking me.

I wave down a cab as soon as I'm out of the airport and give the driver the address. He asks "you sure" I just nod and sink back in my seat.

5 years. That's how long it's been since I seen any of my family or friends. I enlisted the day after my 18th, not one person even knew I was enlisting to join the Army, not my parents, not my friends, not my club and definitely not him

He was 4 years older then I was and I had a huge crush on him at 14, now at 23 it's no longer a crush. I'm in love with him and I have been since he took my virginity at 18.

I knew I was gay from an early age but hid it, it's not because of the club, they don't care who you love or fuck. But my father on the other hand, he's a homophobic asshole that look down on people like me.

Being home I will not only have to face the person I love but also left with out a goodbye, I will have to come face to face with my father and I know I will have to tell him the truth because I  know that when I see the guy I love again, it will bring up all of what I feel for him to the forefront  that I've so desperately tried to forget.

A sad thought crossed my mind just as we pull up in front of the gates to the Cobras MC.

'What will I do if he is in there with someone else and has feel in love.' my chest aches at the thought.

I thank the driver and hand him some cash telling him to keep the change.

I pull my bag that's resting on my shoulder higher and take a beep breath. "I can do this" I say to myself before entering the code to the gate and hoping it's still the same. I sigh in relief when the gate starts to open.

I walk 10 minutes before I'm even able to see the clubhouse, once right out front I stop and stand there looking up at the place I use to call home.

I take one more steading breath before  pushing open the door, I don't hear anything as I do so I step inside and see that it's empty. Huh thats funny, the club is never empty. I look around and see that not much has changed. I take it all in but before I can look around, I'm stoped by a woman, she looks younger then me with red hair and bright blue eyes, she beautiful I will give her that and they way she is dressed I know she's not a club bunny so she is either a sister to a club member or an ol'lady.

I snap out of it when she speaks. "Can I help you?" She say in a sweet and catering voice.

"I'm looking for Becky and Duke" I reply.

"There out back with the others. May I ask who you are?"

"Oh sorry I'm Sniper, Becky and Duke are my parents" I tell her. I don't know what it is about her but she put me at ease and I hope that we can be friends, I need some of them right now.

"I didn't know they had a son" her words sting but I don't blame my parents for not talking about me, I did just up and leave without a explanation.

"Yeah well, it's a long story" I tell her, she nods before grabbing some beers and heading to the back door.

"Um.. can please not tell anyone I'm here yet. I just need to get my bearings." She nods "Of course, it was nice to meet you sniper" she says before leaving me by myself again.

I breathe in and out a couple of time before I set my bag down and walk towards the back door.

"Here goes nothing." I say just as I open the door.

I stand on the back porch looking around, I see everyone I knew 5 years ago and even some new faces. But what shocks the hell out of me is, there are at least a dozen kids running around.

"Sniper" my name being call brings me out of my shocked state. Looking around I see it was my mother that called my name.

I tense when I realised everyone has stopped what there where doing to look at my mother then to were she is walking. Right to me. In shock.

"Sniper" my mother calls again in disbelief, she's infront of me within seconds and pulling me into a tight hug "Hi mom"

My dad stands next to my mom "Son, why are you here" his tone is lased with something I can't decipher. It scares me a little. Has he found out the truth? Will he hate me? Well thats a given. My dad hates gays and having a son that is gay will not change that fact, it hurts but it's true. Since Tank come out at 17, my dad has been open about his hated towards him.

"Um.." shit why am I nervous.

"Probably because you left with out a word." My inner thoughts remind me.

"Let's talk inside" I love my mother right now as I really don't want to have this conversation where everyone can see and hear what is about to be said.

"Use my office, it's sound proof" Bear the president says. I nod in thanks and my parents and I walk back into the clubhouse and into Bear's office. As soon as the door clicks shut my dad start at me.

"Do you have any clue how worried we both have been. We found out 3 days after you left you joined the Army and have not heard form you in 5 years. We thought you were dead"

"I'm sorry okay, I had to and plus you would of known if I was dead as the army would tell the next of kin and that was you and mom. Look I did what I did and I'm sorry for that but you don't know what it was like, being here" I shout back.

"What do you mean" mom asks and I know I just fucked up. They have no clue what it was like for me. My dad would always try and get me to date girls. I love my dad because he is my dad but I also hate him for all the years he would try a drill it into me that being gay was a sin and that it's disgusting to be with the same sex.

"Nothing" I say and walk to the door

"You will not leave this room, till you tell us" my father demands. I turn and look at him. "I should have never come back." I say and leave slamming the door behind me. I knew this was a mistake.

I pick my bag of the floor from where I left it and walk out front. I pull my phone out and get ready to call a cab but I stop when I hear him.

"So you back" I turn and standing right there in the flesh is..

"Tank" its barely above a whisper but I managed to get his name out.

Book One... Luna&Bear. Single parent romance.

Book Two... Sniper&Tank. M/M romance.

Book Three... Skye&River. Forbidden Love romance.

Book Four... Giant &Tiny.  Second Chance of Love romance.

Book Five... ???? This book is a surprise.

Always love never hate.


Can any of you guess who the 5th book is about.

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