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Bear's POV

It's been 20 minutes since we've arrived.

I just want this chapter of my life to end so I can move on from all the stress and anxiety I've been feeling, since reading the papers from Cindy.

I didn't even notice my hands shaking till Luna put her small hands in mine. I look at her as she does and with that one simple touch of hers, I calm down.

"I know you're nervous and scared but have faith, my father is the best lawyer in America. He will do everything in his power to make sure you win this case and that you will not lose you baby boy." She says to me before leaning towards me to place a soft kiss on my cheek.

I send Luna a small smile as she leans back but it's soon wiped away, when. I catch Cindy giving my girl a look. I don't like that look and know Cindy is planning something. When she catches me looking at her, her smile is sinister.

Yep she has a plan. But the question is. What is she planning?

I feel Luna squeeze my hand, I turn away from Cindy and back to Luna.

"Thank you. You don't know how much you being here by my side, means to me. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have the best lawyer and not only that. You put you fear of being hurt again by family to the side just to help Tommy and I. I'm truly grateful that you walked in to my son's life that day at the park and then mine." I squeeze her hand back, trying to forget the look Cindy just  gave Luna and myself.

She doesn't get a chance to reply as we are all being told the judge will see us.

"About fucking time" I mutter.

Everyone gets up and walks to the doors, me and Luna just get to the doors when Cindy walks up to us with a smug look.

"Its going to be so good to see the look on your face when you lose and I take the only person you have ever truly cared for away from you" Cindy sneers as she gets close to me and Luna.

I won't lie but her words hit a nerve, I ball my hands a tight fist to stop myself from lashing out at her.

"Ignore her. She is looking for a reaction so she can manipulate it in her favour." Lewis whispers in my ear. I don't even realize Lewis was still out here, I'm grateful he was. Because he's right, she will use my anger against me.

I just nod at Lewis before walking away from them all and into the court room. Luna takes her seat as I take mine upfront with Lewis. Its not long before we are all asked to rise.

The judge enters and takes his seat upfront, facing all of us. "You may be seated" he tells us and at the same time we all sit down.

"I'm Judge Michaelson, and we are here to discuss custody of Tommy Baker, son of Mr Baker and Miss Samuel. Is this correct?" Both lawyers nod. "Very well then" Judge Michaelson says.

"Mr Bigs why is it that you client wishes to have full custody of her son, Tommy Baker?" Judge Michaelson asks Cindy's lawyer.

"Your honour, my client has not seen her son in 3 weeks due to being kicked out of her home and threatened by Miss Luna Lang, Mr Bakers girlfriend" he finishes before sitting back down. Cindy looks so smug.

Yeah Luna threatened Cindy but so what. Cindy was belittling my son and threatened to take my son. Luna was only being protective. Is it so bad that someone stood up for a child that isn't yet older enough to stand up for himself. If that is so wrong, then fucking sue me. I think to myself.

"Okay thank you Mr Bigs" is all judge Michaelson says in return.

"Mr Lang, I ask you the same question.

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