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Luna's POV

We all stand there at the bottom of the stairs, watching as a women who Im guess is Tommy's mother, storms over to us and points her grubby finger at me.

"Who are you?"

I just look at her and don't bother to answer her, that pissed her off even more. "I asked who the fuck are you?" She says screaming in my face.

I see both kids crying and hiding behind Bears legs. Ha this bitch just fucked up big time. No one make my kids cry, yes I said kids and I mean Tommy aswell, the boy needs a good mother figure in his life and seeing as Ava and him get on really well and that I have this need to protect him from this bitch, I will do that for him. Kids never asked to be born into this world but when they are, we have to do everything we can just to keep them safe.

I look at the kids and give them each a smile before looking at the bitch Infront of me.

"Never, and I mean never speak to me Infront of the kids like that again" Im seething right now.

"I can say what the fuck I want to Infront of my kid" she spits back and I mean literally, spit comes flying out her mouth.

I turn to Bear. "Get the kids out of here" he does as I say and is back at my side a second later. I give him a confused look. "My mom" is all he says. I'm happy that they are with her, I meet her briefly last night and she was lovely.

I give him a nod in understanding.

"You have no right to tell him what to do with my child" this woman needs to stop talking.

"Look, what ever your name is. Not only were you shouting Infront of your child you were also upsetting my 2 year old and hunny I don't take to kindly when someone upset her" I say getting in her face.

"I don't care, if I upset your child. I want you to say the hell away for my man" she screams.

Before I can say anything Bear speaks " I'm not you man, Cindy" oh that's her name. "I only aloud you to stay here because of Tommy, I really did hope you would be the mother he needs, but I have seen and heard what you are like to him when my back is turned." Her face pales at the realisation of his words. "You are no longer welcome here and you will never see Tommy again as long as im alive" Bear finishes.

The look of pure hate and anger should be funny but I know that she is not done with what she has to say so I hold it in.

"I will just take Tommy and then what?" She says to Bear.

"Try and you will fail, not one person in this club would ever let you walk out that door with him" Bear replies to her threat.

"If I can't walk out of here with Tommy then I will take you to court. Let's see who gets the little brat" at her words I lose it and hit her straight in the face, breaking her nose. She falls on her ass and I stand over her.

"Never let me hear you call that sweet, kind little boy a 'brat' again because he his far from one. Also Cindy take Bear to court, I bet they would love to hear how you open your legs for everyone, maybe the judge can have a go at your lose, rotten pussy. And don't forget I'm a nurse and will happily stand there and tell them how neglected Tommy is when your care. Who do you think they will believe. A nurse that is sweet and caring and only wants what is best for Tommy or you, a whore that pushes her son to the side just to get dick." She is stunned into silence. I laugh on the inside because I know she hasn't got a leg to stand on when it comes to that little boy.

Cindy gets up after a good five minutes on the floor before walking to the door, she turns before she leaves and says. "This isn't over" with her parting words she walks out the door. I sigh in relief.

"I've never seen her so speechless" I hear from my right, I turn and see a guy, standing way above 6ft with broad shoulders. "Um" is all I mange to say. "I'm Tank by the way" he says holding out his hand. I take his massive hand into my smaller one. "Luna, and I can see why they call you Tank" I say with a chuckle. "Bear it looks like you have a keeper, and if you don't claim her I know some of the others will after seeing her smash Cindy's face in."

"Shut it Tank, your lucky you not one of them or I would have to beat your ass right now." Bear gritts out.

"Lucky me, I love being gay not just for the dick, that's great and all but it also means I get to be around the ol'lady's and you guy can't do shit" Tank says to Bear, Bear grons at Tank "Dude I don't need to know how much you love dick" Tank just shrugs at Bear, before asking me to go out with coffee with him at some point. He leaves when I say "sure"

"So.." I say, turning to Bear.

"So, moms got the kids why don't we spend some time getting to know each other" he asks, I nod not knowing what else to say. He leads me to a table at the back of the bar and leaves me there to order drinks. I'm soon joined by 3 guys all with a woman on the lap.

Jack and Tiffany are the couple sitting to my left, they've been together since they were both 16. It funny to watch them together, Tiffany is barely above 5ft with a pixie cut and pale skin, where as Jack is about 6ft with tanned and tattooed skin, it really does look like he could crush her small body everytime they hug.

Next to them are Nick and Jen, both tall and covered in tattoos, Jen's hair is bight pick and it looks really good on her.

Then there's Nate and Megan, he's Nick's twin, they both look the exact same even down to the tattoos, Megan is my high 5ft 5 and her hair colour is blood red that brings out her eyes. They all look like there wouldn't work as a couple but for some reason the do and I love it.

Bear comes back with beers and we spend the rest of the night chatting and laughing. I never had any friends in college so this is nice. I smile at every one and feel like I could really belong here and that me and Ava can finally be happy.

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