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Luna's POV

I lead Bear away from prying eyes and up to his appointment. He's not said a word since he told us about the court papers. Once we are both in the apartment I tell him to take a seat on the sofa, while I go to the kitchen and pour out two glasses of whisky, before taking them into the living room and handing him a glass.

"Thanks" is all he says before downing the liquor, I hand him the other glass and he downs that aswell. I place both glasses on the coffee table before sitting next to him and grabbing his hand.

Even though we've not known each other for long, I feel something for him and I want to give him as much comfort and support as I can while he's processing all off this. I don't know what he's going though but I know if anyone tried to take Ava away from me, I would be devastated and then angry.
I make cycles on the hand I'm holding, just to let him now I'm here for him. We sit in silence for another couple of minutes before Bear speaks.

"I thought she wouldn't have the guts to do this. But I should off known." I can hear the sadness and anger as he speaks.

I remove my hand from his and kneel on the floor infront of him and make him look at me as I grab both his hands.

"Bear, she knows she will never get your little boy. You are an amazing father and the love you have for him, out ways anything she can do or say in court. I will be there with you, every single step. I promise you she will not take Tommy from you." I tell him as I reach up to wipe the tears from his eyes.

I see him look from my eyes to my lips as I just stare at him. I know he wants to kiss me and I do too, but now isn't the best time. I look away from him as it's getting too hard not to just pounce on him, but he's to emotional right now.
So I hold myself back.

"Hey, look at me Luna" he say as he grabs my chin softly and turns my head so I'm again looking at him. "What's wrong?" He asks. I shake my head, side to side and breath out a sigh.

"Tell me" he demands, but not in a way that scares me, instead i feeling my panties get wet at the demand.

"Calm the fuck down Luna, he's just had his life flipped upside down. Now is not the time for you to get horny." My inner thoughts scream at me.

Taking a calm breath to rid my inner thoughts, I look up, into his eyes and get pulled into his deep greens. So much emotion runs through them that I can't place a single one.

"Thank you" is all he say before he removes his hand from my chin. I quickly sit back next to him. And Im thankful he didn't push me to explain, why I looked away.

He shifts as I sit next to him. Leaning back on the sofa before rubbing his hands down his face. He sits up quickly through with a look of realisation. "Fuck, I don't have a lawyer and I dealt anyone would what to be a lawyer for me." He slumps back again.

I rack my brain for a solution. I know some lawyers so I could ask around but don't think they would work. The only option I have, is the option I really don't want to have. But if it's for Bear and Tommy I guess I could give him a call.

3 days later and I still haven't picked up my phone to call him. He's the only option I have now, because I was right when I said no one would take this case. "Fuck, shit, ,fuck." I curse as I'm pacing the tarmac out the front of the clubhouse with my phone in hand.

"Just do it, what's the worse that could happen"

I really do hate my inner thoughts sometimes, but I know there right. The worse thing that could happen.

Um well there's. He doesn't want to talk to me. Or how about working for an MC, oh I just bet he would have a field day with that one. I pase some more and before I could bail out of this, I dialed the number I have for his office.

"Hello L&L's law office, how may I help you?" a very chirpy woman answers after the 3rd ring.

"Um.. hi. I was wondering if I could speak with Mr Lewis Lang please." I say, still not sure if I can bare this phone call.

"He's on a lunch break right now, but it's in his office so if you want I can put you though now. Is that okay with you." I tell her yeah before the line plays that stupid and annoying music you get when on hold.

"Mr Lang speaking, who am I speaking to?" Comes the voice I've not heard in over 7 months.

"Hi dad" I sob.

The line is silent for a while before he speaks. "Luna Lo is that you?" He sound shocked. Taking a deep breath, I reply. "Yeah dad, it's me"

"Luna where are? You mom and sister said you left and didn't want anything to do with me and that you hated me."
It takes me a second to process his words but when I do, my blood boils at his words. I've always been close to my dad, Morgan on the other hand was joined at the hip with our mother.

"What do you mean I left, you guys kicked me out last Christmas when I came back for break." I'm now shouting as I'm so pissed that they lied to dad and he thought I hated him. I did hate them all when I read that letter but you can't blame me.

"Fuck, hunny I'm sorry. I wasn't even home for Christmas break. I had a business trip that week" he tells me. I feel so dump right now, thinking that my dad could think those things that were written in the letter, I should off known this was mother's and Jasmin doing. They always hated me for some unknown reason.

"Dad, I'm sorry but what ever they told you was a lie, I have proof if you need it." I say, in hopes he believes me. Not that I'm lying.

"It's okay, I believe you. I'm the one that should be sorry, they told me the night I got back from the business trip and I was already in a sour mood, so when they told me that you left. I believe them. I'm sorry Luna Lo" he sounds so defeated. And my heart broke for him.

"I forgive you dad, but can we talk about this some other time. I need to ask you something." I hesitate to ask. Also I really don't have the mental capability to talk about what why I left.

"Sure, what is it" his tone has changed from loving father to his lawyers voice

"Well a close friend off mine has just been served custody papers" he cuts me off. "So do you need me to be her lawyer because you know I will."

"Dad can you let me finish before you cut in again, please." I tell him. He apologizes and lets me continue. "So as I was saying HE got paper from his child's mother. I don't know why she would do it, as the little boy hates his mother for what she does around him."

"Tell me more" he says.

"She's doesn't interact with him, she push him away when there is men around and there are always men around, she also does sexual acts in front of the boy, even though the boys father has tried to stop him from seeing such things. But with his job and how busy he gets he can't keep watch of the boy 24/7, she won't listen to anything he tells her and he's tried to get it in her head that what she is doing is not right. It was only last week she threatened the father in front of everyone, she told him. She would take the boy away and that he will never see the boy again, she was calling the little boy names and I lost it so I hit her and threatened her to stay away and not take it to court. But as you can see from me calling you, that didn't work." I tell him everything, well not everything.

"Wow, okay. I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions, thinking it was the mother needing help. But from what you just just told me I can see I was wrong. Also hunny I can tell you not telling me the full story." Ah yep even over the phone he can tell I'm hiding something, well I guess he needs to know. I'm just worried about his reaction.

"Um,, well... ThefatheristhepresidentofanMC" I say quickly.

"I only got MC out of all that, do you want to slow down and tell me again."

"The father is the president of an MC" there I said it, now I wait for what he will say.

It takes my father a couple minutes before he replies and I'm shit scared of what he will say. My worries were for nothing though. As his next words shocked the living hell out of me. "Yeah, so what if he is, you can still be a great father and be in the MC. I've been around that life and yeah there are some bad people but there is also good people in the MC. And by what you are telling me, it looks like this one is one of the good one's." I'm shocked into silence.

After the shock wears off, my father and I, talk about what he can and will do for this case and that he will fly out in the next couple of days.

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