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Bear's POV

I wake the next morning with a smile on my face, I replay the events off last night in my head and just at the memory of hearing her moans while my cock was buried deep inside her hot wet pussy makes my dick become hard, not that it wasn't already. I reach for my woman, only to come up empty. Her side of the bed is cold so she's been up for a while I listen to see if I could hear her but nothing.

I pull on shorts and a t-shirt before exiting my room. I see Tommy playing on the living floor, but no one else.

"Buddy have you seen Luna" I ask my boy. He just shakes his head 'no'.

I walk into the room Ava slept in last night and see she is not there either. I get this sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach and run out the room as I tell Tommy to say here before I leave the apartment. Running down stairs I stop dead in my tracks, when I see everyone here with a look off sadness. Some of the women are crying.

I'm so confused about what's going on.

"What's going on?" I ask.

Lewis walks upto me and it's not till he's a foot infront of me that I see something in his hand, he hands it to me and I start to read.

To protect you all, I have to leave I don't want to but I was left with no other choice.

Arrow. I know we've not known each other long but I love you and it's because of my love for you. I have to do this.

Tommy. I love like you are my own, I'm sorry for leaving you, it's the only way to keep you safe.

Love Luna

3 months later.

Luna's POV

It been 3 months since I left the clubhouse and my family. Yes, they've become my family in such a short time. In those 3 months I've managed to find a small two bedroom house for Ava and I. Everything happened so fast when I left that I had and still don't have time to breath. once we were settled into our house I started job searching, I mange to get a job working at the local baker down the street from us.

Ava wasn't coping all to well the first couple of weeks, all she wanted was Tommy. It broke my heart that we left, but the safety of everyone I love out ways the heartbreak I'm feeling.

I told Ava that she will see him soon (I don't know if thats the truth.) She's calmed down now but she will still ask me "when are we going back mommy" I have almost caved and just been like "Fuck it" because everytime I look into my baby's eyes I see the sadness in her eyes every time I tell her. Not yet. (Again I don't know if what in saying is true.) I hate lying but some time it is a unnecessary evil.

I can't risk going back, not yet as it's not just me and Ava anymore.

I make it home just after 5pm and start on dinner. Just as I'm about to call Ava that dinner will be soon there's a knock on my door. Thinking its Mary (my neighbour) I open it with out thinking. She does normally call around this time to see how mine and Ava's day was. But I was wrong so fucking wrong because stand in my day way is......

A/n, hey my lovely reader's, it been a while since I have given you an update. Even for a short chapter it took me a couple months to write as my personal life has been so chaotic.

Thank you for your votes and your lovely comments it makes my day to hear what you guys have to say so please keep voting and tell me your thoughts.

Also just a heads up this book is coming to the end but don't worry Sniper&Tank will follow right after.

I love you all.

Always love never hate.


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