Chapter 14

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*tini and Jorge had some great few weeks together and can't wait for violetta season 3 to begin! They finally got the exact date when they will start and the script of the first few episodes*

Tini: I woke up by my alarm and uhggg why is it so early!? What wait!?!? We start filming today!!!I look next to me and see Jorge just sleeping! What? Why doesn't he wake up?? I'm so happy so I get up and start jumping on the bed, I grab the blanket and pull it away from Jorge. I see he's really annoyed and wakes up slowly. I start jumping really close to him and suddenly he grabs out of nowhere my ankles and I don't know how he did it but before I knew it I lay down next...well actually on him, our noses touch and I just keep smiling while I look at him and see his 'annoyed' face "good morning my love" I say as friendly as possible

Jorge: "Tini?"

Tini: "yeeeeaaah??" I say still being overexcited

Jorge: "why the hell are you jumping on our bed at 7 a.m???"

Tini: "you know what kind of day it is today ha??" I raise up my eyebrows

Jorge: "ofcouuuurse I do! Happy ehh"

Tini: "Jorge! VIOLETTAAAAA THREEEE!!" I get up from him and start jumping again

Jorge: "oooh yes! But eh maybe we should get ready because you wasted like 20 minutes by jumping and being overexcited!"

Tini: "ehem not my fault" I say innocent as I walk off the bed and get into the shower


Tini: Jorge and I are running into the big studio and we see everyone already standing there waiting for us....just as always.... why are we always so late? Jorge holds my hand while everyone greets us


Tini: I run to mechi and I hug her tight "IIIIHHH!! you know we just saw each other a few days ago ha??"

Mechi: "I don't care!"

Rugge: "OOOH JOOOORGE!!" I say with a girlish voice trying to act like mechi

Jorge: I run really weird to rugge and hug him just like the girls "I MISSED YOU SO MUCH SWEETIE! Hihihi!" as we pull back we see Tini and mechi looking at us with big smirks on their faces "what!?" Me and rugge say together

Mechi: "it's cute to see you two together!"

Tini: "yeah you're just like little kids then"

Jorge: I wanted to say something back but get interrupted by Simon....

Simon: "HELLLOOO everyone! I'm really happy to see you guys grain and I can't wait to start filming again so I actually want to stop with this useless speech and start filming!" Everyone laughs and start clapping "alright I want to start with your perform of 'en gira'! So please get ready for it and be back in 10 minutes!!"


Tini: I'm sitting on the couch home while Jorge is cooking something! I just posted an photo of me and Jorge when we had an interview this afternoon after our first scene {mediaaa} and I'm just looking at all the reactions...'you two look so cute!! #jortiniforever' 'perfeeect couple! #jortini' 'cutieees! #jortini' 'JORGE IS TO GOOD FOR THAT LITTLE SLUT!' Ohw eh just jealousy Tini! It's not true! Think of al the thousands times Jorge gave you a speech....I continue reading '#JORTINI'    '#hatejortini #hatetini #lovejorge #tinislut'   'Jorge please go find someone else! Tini isn't pretty enough for you!' What?? I close insta immediately and go to the kitchen

Jorge: "hey love"

Tini: "ehh hey what are you cooking?"

Jorge: "spaghetti...Tini are you okay?"

Tini: uhg he knows me to well "oh sounds good!"

Jorge: "tini i asked you something..."

Tini: "if I tell you you will give me a speech so no! And besides it isn't worth talking about!"

Jorge: "but it's bothering you Tini...what's wrong?"

Tini: "nothing I'm just ehh I saw a new dress yes a dress buuuuuut  but I can't buy it because it isn't available anymore!" Serious Tini?! You stupid

Jorge: "Tini I know that isn't the truth and it's okay BUT if there's something wrong you need to tell me!"

Tini: "I promise! I love you"

Jorge: "I love you more"


Tini: I lay in bed playing with my phone while Jorge is in the shower...*PLIIING* I got a mail from a unknown emails dress....I open in
Heey little girl!
Scary ha? Someone unknown knows your real email?!? Well don't worry I'm only sending you this to tell you how ugly you are....I'm sorry but it's true! I still don't get it why someone as good looking as Jorge start something with're fat and ugly! Well please listen to my advice; Jorge deserves someone better so please let him be happy and free!! Well goodnight ugly Tini I see you're already laying in bed and you're boyfriend is in the shower hmm maybe he is trying to avoid you??
PS: close your window, it's getting a bit cold! XX

What!?!? Who is is this!?!? How did this person get myemail!?!? No! stop tini!! Probably someone who is jealous....but no it's true what she says! I'm already in bed, Jorge is in the shower and....I look to my window "what!?" I get up and run to the window, I close it immediately and look outside. I see nothing till.....AAAAAH!!" I run to the bed and hide myself under the blanket.....I just saw a black figure standing there in one of the rooms of stephie's house....I hear some footsteps coming closer

Jorge: "Tini??"

Tini: I get the blanket of me and look in the eyes of Jorge "yeeah?"

Jorge: "what are you doing??"

Tini: "I ehh was you know I was ehh COLD! Yes yes I was c-cold!"

Jorge: she isn't telling me the truth....again! What's wrong with her?? Uhg I'm to tired to argue about this "well I have something to help you!" I turn off the light and lay next to Tini, I wrap my arms around her and hold her close

Tini: "haha you're right! This is helping!" Uhg I feel miserable

Jorge: "sweet dreams my love" I give her a soft kiss in the neck

Tini: "goodnight love" I know Jorge is really tired and I feel he already fell asleep but I can't sleep....I'm afraid! Who would do this? Well maybe it was just a onetime joke from someone stupid...but it's scary he/she was watching me!! I turn around and hold Jorge even more close, I burry my head in his chest

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