Chapter 18

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Tini: I woke up and felt nothing....only a hard floor under me, I open my eyes and I can't recognise where I am. I look around and see the floor, it looks like the one in my bathroom...I try to get up but suddenly I feel allot of pain, I see metal pieces laying around me and after some minutes I finally recognise my own bathroom and remember what happened......I slowly get up and let myself fall on the bed, I loo at the clock and see it's 07:00 wow I have slept the whole night there on the floor! I walk back to the bathroom and try to clean up all the mess, I also take a shower and put on some clothes. I look in the mirror "w-wow!" I have a really big scratch under my left eye and a big bruise on my right this all happened tonight?? I want to put some foundation on it but I don't have time! I rush myself downstairs and grab an apple before I get into my car ad drive to the studio. I run into the building and I see everyone is already waiting for me oh oh......"h-heey" I see a lot of worried faces and especially Jorge's "I-I'm sorry I'm late....."

Director: "ehm Tini it's alright but are you okay? What happened?"

Tini: "I-I-I had an little accident! But I'm alright!"

Director: "alright if you say so! But ehm okay we will first to scene 17 and 18 and after that 15 and 16 so you have time to make ready tini!"

Tini: "amazing! Thanks!" I walk really fast away before anyone could say something to me. I enter my room and change my clothes, I grab my phone and see I have one message.....suddenly I remember the buzz of my phone when I passed out, I open the message;
I thought I was clear?? Telling Jorge you love him doesn't really fits in my plan! So don't talk to him anymore or else I won't be that nice anymore! I hope that this made that clear!
I look shocked at my phone......this person did this to me?! I let my phone drop on the floor and just stare for some minutes at nothing.....I'm afraid, I really am

??: "Tini?"

Tini: I turn around and see Jorge standing there with a really worried face "e-eh yes?"

Jorge: "c-can we talk?"

Tini: "ehm I don't think that's a good plan" I say nervous while I walk away but Jorge grabs my arm

Jorge: "Tini please"

Tini: "I-I'm sorry b-but I can't" I try to walk away but he still hold my arm "I can't Jorge"

Jorge: "stop saying that! Tini you have to talk to me! Yesterday you told me you are afraid and today you walk into this building with a bruise and scratch on you face.....I want to help you Tini! I love you and I don't want anyone to hurt you!" I see tears coming up in her eyes....there really is something "Tini you can tell me everything! I will protect you!"

Tini: "I-I Jorge I have to go....." I said with tears in my eyes

Jorge: "please Tini....I love you"

Tini: "I can't Jorge!" I walk away "I would put you in danger" I mutter under my breath so he can't hear


Tini: I'm finally sitting on the couch after a long day of filming and trying to avoid Jorge....I walk to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. I want to grab a cup but it's too high for me so I jump to reach the cupboard. I grab one cup but suddenly the whole cupboard falls down from the wall and it's so heavy that I fall under it. All the glasses break into pieces when they reach the ground, I feel the pieces stab in my body! It hurts sooo much "AAAAARGW!" I scream out of pain and tears are streaming down on my face, I try to lift up the cupboard but with every move I feel new pieces stab in my body. After some minutes of crying and screaming I see some one running up to me?! He lifts the cupboard up and tries to remove all the glass. He lifts me up and brings me upstairs and lays me in my bed. After some minutes I have some power again I open my eyes and I see Jorge sitting on the edge of the bed with a really really worried face "w-what are you doing here??"

Jorge: "I-I came here to pick up some stuff...some clothes"

Tini: I get tears in my eyes again "eh yeah of course"

Jorge: "Tini, please I don't have to leave! I can stay here for you! Protect you and take care of you!"

Tini: he's so sweet and ooh I want to hug him sooo bad and tell him I love him but I can't...."n-no you should leave..."

Jorge: "why Tini?? I love you and I miss you"

Tini: "it's better for you to go!" I start to think of what he/she would do if he/she knows that he's here!! I start to panic "leave Jorge please!" I get out of bed and grab his arm but I forgot about my wounds, I fall down on the ground "AAAAAHW" Jorge kneels down to me and I panic "go! leave please! If you really loved me than go"

Jorge: "I still love you and I won't leave you alone! Someone is hurting you and I want to protect you!"

Tini: "please Jorge!" I burst out in tears

Jorge: "why Tini?!?"

Tini: "what if that persons sees us now?!" I say to myself while I panic but I think Jorge heard it to

Jorge: "what?! If WHO sees us??" I get up and stare at her "I-is there someone else??"

Tini: "N-" I hear a bang at the window and see that same black figure nodding at me......"eh y-yes" he stares at me...I broke his heart, he's really hurt! I see tears in his eyes. He turns around and walks away without looking back at me.....I lost him forever
I look up and see a message;
Good job girl! I see that my plan of the falling cupboard helped! Well after what you said to him I don't think it's still necessary for me to do all this so I will only give you one last order and then I will leave you alone! XX

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