Chapter 21

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*The next morning at Mechi and Ruggero*

Mechi: "Goodmorning Jorge"

Jorge: "Morning"

Mechi: "Jorge...I was wondering"

Jorge: "yeeeeah?"

Mechi: "well after our conversation yesterday you sa-"

Jorge: "wow wow what? I haven't spoken to you yesterday?"

Mechi: "what?! yesterday in the afternoon I have talked to you! about really IMPORTANT things!" I said loosing my cool

Jorge: "no I'm sorry Mechi but I can't remember any conversation between us yesterday!"

Mechi: "you're serious Jorge?!"

Jorge: "yeah..."

Mechi: "you're unbelieveble!" I said while storming out of the kitchen "oh and this is also an other proove that you drink waaaaay too much Jorge" I just said before I went outside to the car. I grabben my phone and called Rugge while I was driving to the studio

R: love?
M: yeah it's me....
R: wow what's wrong babe? you sound upset!
M: well it's just that I have spoken to Jorge yesterday about Tini and when I asked him about this morning he couldn't even remember it! he's drinking waaaay too much Rugge! It's not healthy anymore
R: yeah......I know what you mean. Last night he was also gone for a couple of hours and came home really late. I don't know what he's doing but it's going totally wrong
M: really?! I didn't even know he was gone!
R: well he went through the windown and he came back when you were already asleep
M: wow
R: yeah but hey, you don't have to worry about him! I will do that so you can keep an eye on Tini alright?
M: yes alright.....should I tell Tini about Jorge? maybe he will listen to her?
R: hm I don't know....decide that when you see her
M: alright honey...Love you?
R: love you to
*end of phonecall*

Mechi: I get out of the car and enter the I'm early! I walk to my changing room and see Tini sitting on the couch?! wow she's never early "hey girl!"

Tini: "oh hey Mech!"

Mechi: "why so early?"

Tini: well actually just to avoid Peter.... "oh I don't know I was up early I think"

Mechi: "ooh okay"

Tini: "you?"

Mechi: "Jorge got on my nerves" I said without thinking....fuck! I see Tini her smile disappear from her face

Tini: "h-how?"

Mechi: "well he was just really annoying and he's acting really stupid and irresponsible!" Tini her face becomes sad and worried.....oh no

Tini: "okay...let's talk about something else okay?"

Mechi: "Tini I need to tell you something"

Tini: "about Jorge?"

Mechi: "yeah" I said looking down

Tini: "well maybe it's better not to tell me because I don't want to talk about him"

Mechi: "but it's really important!"

Tini: "alright you can talk but I won't answer!"

Mechi: "okay.....well the last time he is kind a eehm depressive....he talks not much and doesn't makes jokes anymore! he isn't home allot and Rugge and I both don't know where he is....we're worried about him because he also drinks allot the last time....the last time I entered his room he tried to hide a bottle of vodka and whisky for me..." I looked at TinI and I saw tears coming up in her eyes "we're really worried Tini and he won't talk to us" I see a tear escape and roll over her cheek "and we thought maybe you could talk to him"

Tini: tears were forming in my eyes and I just thought about how Jorge would look like now....I miss him so much...

Mechi: "Tini?"

Tini: "I ehh I don't know"

Mechi: "well alright I'm just glad that you wanted to let's get ready!"

Tini: "y-yeah sure!" we put on our clothes we needed for the scene and walked to the main hall. We were the only ones this morning so started immediately with filming. It actually went pretty well I think but I wasn't really focused because I was thinking about Jorge all the time.....

Mechi: "Tini?"

Tini: "yes?"

Mechi: "I asked if you maybe wanted to go with me to the canteen to eat someting"

Tini: "oh sorry eh yes of course!" we walk together to the canteen and grab some food. We sit down on the couch and laugh a bit until I suddenly see that Jorge is sitting right in front of long is he already here? He doesn't says anything and doesn't even looks up from his phone until Mechi suddenly talks

Mechi: "JORGE!"

Tini: slowly Jorge looks up and I just shiver from how he looks.....his eyes are really red and big....his hair is a mess and he lost his smile....his beautiful smile "hey" he just looks at me for a second without any change of expression on his face and looks back at his phone again without saying something.....

*that afternoon*

Tini: I walk out of the studio and get in my car.....I think for some minutes about Jorge and I feel so guilty! everything is my fault and I have hurt him soooo bad! I'm a terrible person! an disgusting person! This person was always right! I don't deserve Jorge....Jorge is way too good for me and all the time we were together he probably wasn't happy! I have made his life a h- I snapped out of my thought mb seeing Jorge walking to his car.... maybe I should follow him to see where he goes....maybe I should listen to Mechi and talk to him.... I start the car and drive after Jorge. after some minutes it looks like he's just driving to Mechi and Rugge but he doesn't takes the turn to their streets.....after some more minutes it looks like he goes to our house (it still is our house I think) he takes the turn to our street and I kind of feel happy inside...he wants to talk with me! "wait?! what?!" he drives past our house and parks his car in front of the house of.....stephie

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