Chapter 19

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Tini: the next morning I woke up feeling miserable! I just told Jorge there is someone else! I'm such an terrible person.....well at the good side I only have to so one thing and than I finally don't have to worry about that stalker anymore!
"Speaking off the devil!" I mumble to myself while I watch the message;
Well well well!! Good morning! If you do everything I tell you today than this will be our last day of working together! Hm I never thought I would miss it! Watch your phone today because you will receive some important messages!
Uhg I can't wait for this person to disappear out of my life! I drag myself out of bed and put on some comfy clothes. I walk to my car and drive to the studio where I everyone already standing waiting for me.....just as always "I'm sorry! Again"

Director: "yeah well I don't think it will make any difference to tell you it's okay as log as you show up in time tomorrow because we all know that's not gonna happen!" I said to her half laughing

Tini: "y-yeah I know" I said looking down

Director: "alright! So what I wanted to tell you guys is that tonight there will be a party! All you guys have to come and if you want you can take a partner with you! There will be some important people who might will help us to make our dream of doing a tour be reality!" I said while everyone started talking with each other about how excited they were "alright now please make ready to do scene 29 and 34! Both park scenes with the characters Alex, Gery, Violetta, Leon, Francesca and Cami!"


Tini: I was just reading a magazine in my dressing room when my phone suddenly buzzed. I look up and read the message;
Sooo I heard about to the party! And the part of taking someone with you! Luckily you have me cause I already have someone for you! He will pick you up at eight!
NOOO NOO NO!! Jorge will think there REALLY is some one else! Maybe I can tell I'm sick!
*bzzzzzzz* I look at my phone
And don't even try to come up with something! Especially not that you're sick or something!
Fuck! Uhg! I can't believe this is actually happening to me! Jorge will hate me forever

*that evening*

Tini: I can't believe I don't even know who my date is for tonight.....the only thing I do know is that Jorge will be really disappointed in me! I take one last look in the mirror and try to smile.....I hear a knock on the door downstairs so I went to open it. When I open the door I see the one face I never wanted to see again.....peter
"G-GO AWAY!! NOW!!" I took some steps back while he just stood there with a smile in his ugly, gross and DISGUSTING face!

Peter: "calm down honey! It's just me!"


Peter: "calm down! I'm not dangerous or something!"

Tini: "Y-YOU tried to KILL ME!!"

Peter: "oh no honey! No no no! That was another me you know! I'm different now, I changed for you....I knew you would wait for me!"

Tini: "t-this can't be true! NO WAY I will leave this house with you! please now leave me alone! FOREVER!"

Peter: "I'm sorry but we both know that's not possible!"

Tini: "w-what do you mean????"

Peter: "oooh come on! We both know that if we don't go together to that party something bad will happen to your little jorgie!"

Tini: "n-no! H-how do you know!?!"

Peter: "that's my own little secret!"

Tini: "w-what will they do with Jorge?"

Peter: "ehm I heard something about an knife and rope......"

Tini: "YOU'RE LYING!" I said with tears streaming down

Peter: "ooh babe! I wish I was!"

Tini: "a-are you sure they will hurt Jorge?!"

Peter: "the only thing I know for sure is that it will hurt more than you hurt him this whole week together......."

Tini: my eyes fill with tears at the thought of how much I have hurt Jorge this week....all this! I did all this to protect him bit look where it got us!! But I won't let this person win....well he/she actually already did but I will not let her hurt Jorge! She-he already did that more than enough! "a-alright let's go then....." I said while I walk outside "but we go both in separate cars!"

Peter: "ehm sure, but we wait for each others there outside! So we enter the building together!"

Tini: "yes alright" I said while I get in my car and drive to the place where the party is set. While driving I hear my phone buzzing and it lights up;
Good girl!, Good girl!
Enjoy your night! XX
I get out if the car and see peter already waiting there for me. I walk up to him as we enter together the building. I look around and the first people I see are Mechi, Ruggero and of course Jorge.....they all look at me with big eyes and before I know it I got pulled away by Mechi

Mechi: "ARE YOU CRAZY?!? Did you forget what he did to you?!?!"

Tini: "of course not! but but but....but I had a good conversation with him and I have no choise okay?!"

Mechi: "what do you mean you have no choise?" something is really wrong here....

Tini: "eh never mind! let's go!" I said while I walked away to Ruggero and Jorge who had a conversation but immediately stopped when I came. I see Peter is already left to the drinks.... "h-hey"

Ruggero: "heeey!" I nudge Jorge

Jorge: "oh yeah hey" I said while looking down. I'm really not in the mood to talk to her and especially not to Peter....oh talking about the devil

Peter: "Hello! how are you guys doing?"

Mechi: "uhm alright...I think"

Jorge: "Great! Can't be any better!" I said with a big fake smile

Peter: "well that's nice to hear!" I put my arm around Tini her waist and pull her really close, I whisper in her ear "you look really beautiful tonight" but loud enough for Jorge to hear

Jorge: aarhg...I can't do this! I pull Tini away from Peter and walk with her outside

Tini: "Jorge! Jorge! what do you think you're doing?!"

Jorge: "NO no no no! the question is what are you doing?!"

Tini: "what do you mean?"

Jorge: "nooo no no no don't play like this Tini! I mean what are you doing here with Peter?! did you forgot what he did to you?! he tried to kill you Tini! and who was the one who saved you?? yes that's right! ME! and what do I get in return? you cheating on me with HIM?!"

Tini: "please Jorge don't do this! I know I'm wrong but I have no choise okay?!"

Jorge: "why not?!"

Tini: "I can't tell you..."

Jorge: "of course you can't....but what if I tell you that I love you? that we can survive everything and I will protect you from everything! I see that you don't love Peter...I know you can't love him! but why are you doing this?! you can tell me! I will protect you Tini.....I love you" this is her last change! I'm not going to keep begging her every day over and over again "I love you Tini"

Tini: "well sometimes that isn't enough....." I said with tears in my eyes

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