Chapter 23

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Tini: I woke up and I immediately started to think about the 'update' in our 'relationship' where that 'stalker' was talking about....I just hope it isn't about a marriage or something!
*triiiiiing triiiiiiing*
Uhg who is that?! I walk downstairs and open the door to find no one.....only a suitcase? "What??" I walk to the suitcase trying to find something like a note but it's just only a suitcase.....I grab it and pull it with me into my house without an idea what I have to do with it....


Tini: here I am driving to my parents house! Why?? Because I just had another huge fight and this time not with Jorge or Mechi but with Ruggero....he came to me to talk about my fight with Mechi and that we should make up again because he sees that we're both sad about's true that I'm sad about it but I'm also still mad at her so I started yelling to Ruggero and he started yelling back and now he's gone just like all my other close friends.....I have no one except peter so I decided to go back to my parents house for a while....just to think about everything and sort it out you know.
I get out of the car and walk up to the door and ring the bell. After some seconds my mom appears and she looks surprised.....she tries to smile but I know the difference between a real one and a fake one....what's going on here?

Tmom: "honeeeey!! What brings you here??" I say while hugging her tight. I'm happy to see her.....I think

Tini: "well I just really missed you guys and I think I just need to spend some time with my family"

Tmom: "Ooh honey we missed you to!"


Tini: "wow mom! This is delicious!"

Tmom: "thank you honey"

Tini: "have you heard something fro Fran? Because since he left to London I only talked to him once....."

Tmom: "no we haven't....he has called us once but that is months ago...."

Tini: "alright but luckily he's still alive because he keeps posting tweets" I said while laughing

Tmom: "yes you're right! Well how is my little girl doing??"

Tini: "eehm" what should I say?? "I-I'm fine"

Tmom: "you're still a bad liar Tini"

Tini: "I know.....but it's just a thing I have to solve by myself so it will all end up good.....I hope" I mumble the last part so no one can hear

Tmom: "Tini there is something really wrong with you....."

Tini: "no mom I'm okay! I'm not sick or something"

Tmom: "I wasn't talking about being sick....there is something else wrong with you"

Tini: "and what do you mean with that?!"

Tmom: "just you know your dad and I fell that there if something wrong with you!"

Tini: "no mom I'm fine!" I almost yelled loosing my cool

Tmom: "no you're not Tini!!! You're dating peter again!! There is really something wrong with you if you date him again! After he cheated on you! You got back with peter while you were with that lovely Jorge Tini!!"

Tini: tears were coming up because everything she said is right.....and she doesn't even know that peter tried to kill me and she already knows it's wrong what I'm doing...she's right I really am sick that I'm doing this.....but I do this for Jorge!! "I know mom! I know!" I said while tears we rolling over my face

Tmom: "than why Tini?! Why are you doing this to Jorge and yourself! It's wrong Tini!"

Tini: "I know mom I know! Everything I do is wrong!! I'm scandal for this family!" I yelled while walking to my room. I grabbed my stuff and pit it in my suitcase again....only an hour ago I unpacked it
*knock knock*
"Go away mom!!" I yell angry

Tdad: "it's me honey" I said softly while opening the door

Tini: "oh you can come in"

Tdad: "Come here sweetie" I said with wide arms. She walked up to me and hold me tight. She burries her head in my chest and I give her a kiss on her hair "sweetie, you have to understand that's it's also hard for us to understand that you're with Pet-"

Tini: "stop it! Just leave it! Okay? I'm done here! I don't came here to argue about this all the time! It's not worth it!" I said while I grabbed my suitcase and walked out of the room. I walked downstairs and opened the door "BYE MOM AND DAD!" I yelled while I slammed the door and got into my car and drove away to my own house again......


Tini: I'm laying in bed and only think about the fact that I lost everyone I love.....Jorge, Mechi, Ruggero, mom and dad....all because of this 'stalker' now I think about it I still don't know what this update means?!! I haven't heard anything today like a text or something, I actually also haven't thought about since this morning I guess I was to busy with losing my friends and family.....
*beeep beeep*
Why already in bed?! Hup hup get up! Your plane leaves in 4 hours!! And your ride will be here in 1 hour! xoxo
"What?!" I don't understand any of this!
*beeep beeep*
Oh gosh please! Just pack your suitcase and be ready for a two week during vacation at the beach together with you loveeeeee!!
Oh nooo......I don't want to be on vacation with only peter around me!! That will be terrible
*beeep beeep*
Come on! Start packing we don't have all day! You know I still follow Jorge with every step he takes!!
Suddenly without thinking I started with packing the suitcase.....that suitcase who stood in front of my door.....this stalker is really creepy

*knock knock*

Tini: "Peter..."

Peter: "hey Tini! Ready for it?"

Tini: "ehm yeah.....but I was wondering I have to film Violetta so I don't think I can go with you....."
*beeep beeep*
Enjoy your vacation! The studio is able to miss you for two weeks because of your private problems!
What?! Is this person here?!? I look around but only see peter and he just looks at me
"Oh but ehm my mom and dad don't know here I am"
*beeep beeep*
After that fight the will leave you alone for at least more than two weeks believe me! Just like all your others 'ex-friends'
(S)he's right.....I have no one who wants to keep me here.....
"Alright let's go then......" I said while I grabbed my suitcase and walked to peters car
*beeep beeep*
Hasta la vista! xoxo


"we don't have all day! xoxo ??"

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