Chapter 26

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The sentences who are written with fat letters just like these are the flashbacks! Enjoy! And please leave a comment! ❤️😚

Tini: I slowly try to open my eyes with all the energy I have....when they finally open I see nothing....totally nothing only white around walls around me, no ground under me and no ceiling above me......where am I?? Is this heaven?? Am I dead now?? But how? And why? When?? Suddenly tons of flashbacks go through my head..... 'Im having pain, a rope who is tied around me is hurting me' 'a black figure is hurting me' I get really hot and start to sweat....I want to get out of here 'someone with a disgusting smirk on his face is enjoying it to see me suffer' I want these flashbacks to stop! I don't want to see this! 'Its dark around me and no one around me.....I'm alone and in so much pain' I begin to shake! I don't want to be in this place! 'A fist meets with my left cheek and it hurts so bad! It burns and I scream out of pain' this needs to stop! I try to move but I can't! I want to leave this place! 'Another fist meets with my cheek but this time the right one and it even hurts more' I want to scream! I need to leave! I want to run away! Away from this terrible place with nothing else than white and awful flashbacks! The shaking gets heavier and I begin to sweat, I open my mouth trying to scream but no sound....'it's dark and I'm tied to a chair.....I hear two gun shots and footsteps coming closer I feel really anxious and the footsteps are only coming closer' I try to scream but again no sound....still nothing around me except white white and white 'the footsteps are now really close and suddenly they stop.....I hear a click......and another gun shot....the last one' i try to scream again while tears are streaming down my face, I'm shaking and sweating like an animal......I close my eyes while trying to scream harder than ever! When I open my eyes I see colours and forms coming closer! I hear some noises from far away.....but I also hear myself screaming! I'm screaming harder and harder! Sweating and shaking more and more! I try to close and open my eyes trying to get a better sight and slowly it's getting clearer and closer. I keep shaking, sweating and screaming when I see I'm in a hospital room! Nurses and doctors around me! Devices are making beeping sounds but I can't hear them good because I keep screaming! Until I get a mask on my eyes are getting heavy and are closing really slow.....everything gets blurry again


Jorge: "DOCTOR! DOCTOR! Please tell us what's happening!! Why are there so many nurses running in and out the room of Tini?!?"

Doctor: "well ehm I now have to go but I will ask a nurse to come and explain everything!" I said while walking away to Tini her room

Jorge: "dammit! Why is no one telling us what's happening!!" I said while I punch a wall

Mechi: "please Jorge! Just calm down! There will be here someone soon!"

Jorge: "yeah well not soon enough!" I said while a nurse walked up to us

Nurse: "ehm hello! You guys are here for Marti-?"

Jorge: "Yes! What's going on?! Is she alright?!"

Nurse: "please try to stay calm and yes she's"

Jorge: "what happened??"

Nurse: "she had an kind of an attack....her moisture content is really low and also because of the really bad circumstances she has lived under for almost three weeks her whole body is damaged and pretty weak now......this morning she kinda woke up but not normal....she woke up in a hallucination. Something in that hallucination made her so scared and anxious she started to shake sweat and scream badly. We had to bring her under narcosis to make sure she wouldn't make her body too tired because her body isn't able to handle that yet"

Jorge: "b-b-but now she's okay right?"

Nurse: "well she's stable and will probably wake up in an hour or three but her body really needs to recover and a lot of rest so only one of you is able to be with her now"

Jorge: "I! I go! Sorry mech!" I say while I was already walking to Tini her room

Mechi: "bu- ooh never mind" I say to....myself? I take a seat in the waiting room and just.....wait?


Mechi: I slowly get up and walk to Tini her room, actually there is only one person allowed to be in her room but Jorge is his annoying self and has been in there already the whole time! Also it's sweet of him to stay there but I also want to see my baby girl! I slowly walk into the room and see Tini laying in her bed looking so thin and pale.....she's still sleeping of course. I look to Jorge and he's just staring an Tini, without moving or saying anything! He sits on a little chair next to Tini's bed and does nothing except staring at her. He hasn't slept for more then 36 hours! He really needs some sleep "J-Jorge?" He doesn't reacts and just keeps staring at Tini. I grab a chair and sit next to him, I lay my head on his shoulder and my hands around his arm "Jorge?" Slowly I feel his head turning and looking at me "are you alright?"

Jorge: "no" I say simply and turn my head to Tini again

Mechi: "maybe you need to sleep Jorge"

Jorge: "no"

Mechi: "but if you won't sleep and Tini will wake up then you're so tired you can't even have an normal conversation with her!"

Jorge: "when Tini wakes up I will be here for her! I will stay awake till she's safe in her OWN bed again!"

Mechi: "but maybe she needs to stay here for another week!"

Jorge: "then I will also stay here awake for another week!"

Mechi: "but Jor-"

Jorge: "no Mechi! It's my fault she's here!" I say while getting off the chair "I will be here when she wakes up! If she even will wake up!" I run frustrated a hand through my hair "it's my fault she's here! It's my fault my princess is here laying in this bed almost dying!" I said while the tears were rolling down my cheeks now, I kneel down next to Tini and hold her hand while I squeeze it "I will be here when she wakes up......even if she doesn't wants me to be here......" I say looking down

Mechi: "Jorge please....wait? what?! Why in the world wouldn't she want you to be here?"

Jorge: "because it's all my fault Mechi! And because she thinks I got with Stephie together!"

Mechi: "noooo no no Jorge! You SAVED Tini! you risked you live for her and you didn't even really got back with Stephie! You only came to her to find information about Tini! So you could protect her like you've always done!"

Jorge: "but she doesn't knows that!" I say and take a deep breath "maybe she doesn't wants to see me ever again Mechi! Maybe she thinks peter is still that sweet guy he actually never was! Maybe she won't remember the past few weeks! Maybe she doesn't even knows me anymore!" I caress her cheek softly with my hand "maybe she doesn't loves me anymore....." I put my forehead on hers and let my tears slowly fall on her face "maybe she doesn't loves me anymore" I say again but this time really soft, I close my eyes and just try to feel her warm breath on my face. Suddenly I feel something moving and before I know what it is feel her soft sweet lips touching mine......

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