"muggles, eh?"

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hello!! I hope you enjoy this book since it took me just about a week to write it! I have read it back mutiple times and there might be a few spelling mistakes but please don't mind them! Anyway, before we start, here is a quick reminder!

mums name:Trina
Dads name:carter
Your not blood related to the Weasleys! Your just very close
Y/n= your name
N/n = nickname or I might give you one
I will blurt out stuff like f#ck or sh#t but I will keep freak or bloody! :)

And with that, enjoy.

"y/n hunny! Your going to be late, the train leaves in half an hour!" My mum called up the stairs, "I know mum I'm coming!" I yelled back down, grabbing my cat, miles, "is it all in the car? You wand, robes, broom, cage, books?" My dad asked, "yes dad it's fine! Stop worrying!" I told him as I opened the car door to sit. Soon enough we arrived at the station, "molly!!" My mum said, running over to more Weasley, "Trina!" She said, hugging, they had been best friends for ages! "Hello carter, oh and y/n! You've grown so much! I remember when you were like 3 and so diddy!" (Small)

"hello aunty molly!" (She isn't your aunt, your family's have been so close there like sibling but your not blood) our parents just chat, chat and chat! I looked behind molly and Arthur to see Ginny, Fred and George, I kinda zone out, and just stare at them,  Ginny does a little wave then Fred asks "are you just gonna stare y/n?"

We laugh a bit, "sorry I zoned out!" I say going over to hug Ginny, "hey we didn't get a hug!" george says, "you guys are such idiots!" And I give them a tight hug, "where's Ron?" I ask, "oh he's probably waiting for Harry like usual-" "wait Harry as in Harry Potter!?" I ask interrupt excitedly, "yeah, has Ron not bragged to you about it yet?" Ginny questions, "I mean yeah he has but I didn't believe him!" I say, "knowing the idiot he is!"

"Well we better get to the train, you have 5 minutes!" Molly says, so I say my goodbyes to my mum and dad then go to Meet Ron on the train, I see him and a boy who I assume is Harry in a section of the train, "hello Ron!" I say walking in to his section, "y/n!" He jumps up, Hugging me, "I'm so glad your here!" He finishes, sitting down. "Well I didn't know we had company!" A girl says, walking in smiling. "Oh yeah! This is my friend y/n, she's joining Hogwarts this year! We have known each other for 8 years!""nine years dummy-" I interrupt, "well it's a pleasure to meet you y/n! I'm Hermione" she states.

"that's a lovely name!" I say, looking at Harry, I think he noticed I was looking at him because he said "uh- I'm Harry"  "yes silly I know that! your the boy who lived"I tell him, we all do a little laugh, "If you don't mind me asking, how are you joining Hogwarts mid year?" She asks, "well I was supposed to join the first year but my letter got delayed and I didn't get it, so I got it this year!" I told her, and after that, I think we talked the whole way to Hogwarts.

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