"why.. why did you do it"

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Enjoy!! <3

In the middle of the class, I saw my bag moving a bit, a few seconds later, out popped nico! (Your dragon)He jumped out of my hands and ran out the class- I looked at Professor and she gave me the nod to be excused- I chased nico through the hall- he had grown to the size of a dog! Before I could catch him someone picked him up- it was Matteo! "You should've more careful with nico" he said smiling to me- "uh yeah thanks." I said, going to push past- "y/n wait!" He grabbed my wrist, he had a very strong grip.

"Please, I'm sorry! I never meant to hurt you, I miss you so much!" He said, I had never seen a riddle so genuine. "Please" his voice calmed me, I couldn't avoid him any more "I accept your apology but-" I got interrupted by his wrapping his arms around me.

"I'm sorry for being mad." I say quietly, as my head is buried into his chest."no it's my fault " he says, pulling out, "come with me" he says, pulling my hand. "Where are we going?" I ask, "you'll see!" He said excitedly, he lead me to a locked, old room which he pulled out a key for, inside was the most beautiful room! It was so clean, it was somehow sunny in there, with grass and flowers everywhere! "Its my secret garden" he says, smiling at me "Theo its beautiful!" I say, twirling in the middle, he picks up 2 flowers and puts one in my hair, then one in his.

-time skip to end of day~
Me and Matteo had been in the library for ages! Laughing and talking, like we used to. I needed to use the bathroom so he waited there as I headed off to the girls toilets, although on my way there I felt someone grab my wrist, tight. It was lavender. "Lavender- what the f#ck are you doing-" I asked, stressing- she pushed me against the wall, she was gonna choke me. "Lavender l-let go." I say, struggling to talk. I had no choice but to kick her, u had a few seconds to breath, then scream as she grabbed my wrist and neck harder. And harder. Till a crowd was just standing there. Watching me get chocked. It's like they didn't care??

Sorry this is such a short chapter!
Everything is a bout to get big.. anyway! I hope you enjoyed :)
603 words! Yay! I hope your enjoying this

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