The attack.

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"hey, y/n! You okay?" Ginny asked, smiling, "I'm fine." I said, as I went straight up to my room, "yep something is up" Harry said, as he followed me up, "y/n you okay?" He said knocking "yeah like I said I'm fine!!!" I said, I locked the door and sank down beside my bed.

~narrator pov~

"She won't tell me, I'm gonna go speak to Matteo." Harry said, "I will come!" Hermione said, jumping up. They reach3d the library, "well that's why.." Harry said, as he saw Matteo, Layla I'm the library with roses. "Oh Harry!" Matteo said, jumping up. "Have you seen y/n?" He asked, "Yes, she's in her room, clearly upset." He said, "what why!?" Matteo said, seeming concerned. She clearly saw you too together and got broken, she's still in love with you Matteo." Hermione said,"oh I wasn't- me and Layla aren't- " Matteo said, "me and Matteo aren't doing anything, he was practicing for y/n cause he was nervous." Layla said, actually getting it out. "Do you mind getting y/n and bringing her to the 2nd floor?" Matteo asked, "Well... I will get y/n now then" Hermione said,

~your pov~

After a few minutes! I heard a knock, "y/n? I have a surprise come with me!" Hermione called out from outside the door, so I decided to just come. She led me to the 2nd floor where I saw Matteo "uh- mione lets go back-" I said, trying to get away, "No no go!" She said, pushing me towards Matt. "Hey y/n, Uhm can I show you something?" He asked. "sure, sure. Go for it." I say,

To my surprise he pulls out a key for an old rusty door and opens it,and I suddenly remember! His secret garden, he first showed me this when we met! "Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked me, "yes yes!" I say, jumping in his arms, just like before. Later that night Hermione FINALLY aloud Matteo to hang out with us in are dorm, so we invited all our friends over! There was me, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Fred , George, Luna, cho, Sophie, Layla, Draco and Matteo. We were all having lots of fun until we were all called down to the hall.

"I am so sorry my fellow students, it seems, Dumbledoor, was received dead, earlier this evening" Mcgnagall said, she looked like she was about to be in tears, then Snape, our knew headmaster, stepped out. "Harry Potter was seen, out of Hogwarts this evening. If anyone of you was in his presence or footsteps, I invite you, to step" He seemed quite creepy.. and of course! Harry had just.. disappeared! That's where he went.. I looked at Matteo from the gryfindoor side, and saw the sorrow in his eyes. Like he knew something. Then straight away, Harry came out the crowd. "It seems, you still have a bit of security problem head master" as lots of adult wizards or witches came through the hall door.

"I find it quiet extensive. How dare you stand where he stood? A man WHO TRUSTED you! And you killed him. Tell them how you looked him in the eye, tell them!" Harry shouted. Snape then whipped out his wand at Harry but Professor Mcgnagall went to Harry to protect him, a proper fight I watched! Snape turned into a death eater form and flew threw the now broken window.

Mcgnagall started to talk to all the adults and lit lights in the hall, I rushed over to Matt, "Matt what's wrong??" I asked him. He pulled me to the side, "so.. your gonna judge me for this, and probably break up with me but.. you know how my father is Voldemort?" He asked, "yeah.." "I'm a deatheater" he said, pulling up my sleeve, of course I was shocked, but why wouldn't he? He is the son.." uh okay.. okay that's fine. It's okay" I said, worrying "you can break up with me if you want." He said, "NoNo! Not even if I would die if I did, I will never break up with you." I said comfortingly "and.. I think he's going to attack. Tonight." He said.

"Are you definitely sure?" I asked, "positive." He replied "but does this mean you will- you will have to join him.." "sadly." I hug him and give his the last kiss. Then we head back to the others, once Professor goes to talk to us again, she says, "I'm afraid Voldemorts attack has come sooner then expected.. please don't panic though." She says, trying to calm us, then suddenly.. I hear a piercing screech in my ear. I hear Voldemorts voice "bring me Harry potterrrrr~~~" only I could hear no one else. I felt to the floor screaming, covering my ears, "AHHHHHH" I screamed. "y/n!?" Matt said, running over, then another girl, then a boy, then another, then we all heard it. "Bring me Harry Potter........ and you will be rewarded......" I slowly stood up" well don't just stand there someone grab him!" Pansy shouted, but straight away I went to stand in front of him.

Holding my arms out in front "No. your not taking him." I said, then loads joined me.

Are you enjoying? It's bout to get bigggg! 1098 words les goo! Nvm. 1114 now!, anyway, have an amazing day! Cya in a bit!

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