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I ran into my dorm crying, "y/n!?" Hermione called, I ran into the dorm and locked it. Draco then knocked on the common room door. "Hey is y/n okay?" He asks Ginny. "Not by the look of it... what happened?" She asked, "I don't know she just ran out of the slytherin room crying.." he said, " call Luna over, she will be able to calm her down" Ron said. After around 5 minutes Luna came knocking on the door, "y/n? It's me Luna, may I come in?" She asked sweetly."Yeah sure.." I said, " what happened?" She asked.

"It's Matteo he- he- we were dating and now.. now he only talks about lavender and how smart lavender is and he lied to me to hangout with her when we're dating and he never jokes around me anymore. The other day he said he was 'busy' I found in laughing and talking with lavender where we normally are! Then today. He finally agreed to hangout but all he said was about lavender! Then he said he needed the toilet. Left me for AN HOUR I went to find him, in his dorm, laughing win lavender her on his LAP they were about kiss and they.. they did"

Isaid, I burst into tears.. "y/n? It's mione.. the walls aren't very sound proof, may I come in?" She says, comforting me, "I'm so sorry mione.. you were right. He's a jerk" I told her. " hey there's plenty more fish in the sea!" She said, "now do you wanna come downstairs and talk and joke with us?" She said, holding out her hand to me, I smiled and took it. "The only people who should know is you guys. Ginny,Fred, George, Ron, Hermione, Luna and Draco. Please don't tell anyone else" I say pleasingly, "yeah of course" Draco says, as soon as someone was gonna speak, headmaster dumbledoor came in. "Y/n, please may we talk?" He said, looking  sorrow. I followed him to his office, "I'm very sorry to say this but., your parents plane crashed." He said, I burst into tears, " NO NO THEY CANT- THEY CANT BE GONE!" I screamed, "but, they were able to write you a letter in the time they were going down." He said, handing me a letter.

Dear our gorgeous y/n,
We are so sorry for leaving you so early in life. We
Would just like you to know that we love you with all
Our hearts and that minx will be sent to Hogwarts to
Stay with you. This will be the last thing you have of us.
We left a necklace with minx to remind you of us, again,
We are so sorry, we love you so much just remember never
Give ##, #######
Lost of love, mum and dad xxx

The last bit was smudged because of my tears." I'm so sorry for your loss." He said, at that moment,2 owls came in holding a box, "ah, it's here!" He said, opening it, inside was minx! My cat that I have had since I was 4! He jumped onto me, meowing,
Then dumbledoor passed me a necklace, with a heart that had a picture of my family on the inside, "thank you headmaster" I said. "You are aloud to have some time of school to recover if you would like." " I will, thank you sir." I said, and with that I walked back to my dorm, still in tears.

As I opened the dorm, they all ran up to me "y/n?? What happened! Are you okay?" Luna asked, "my parents- there- there plane crashed!" I said, bursting into tears again, "oh my god I'm so sorry" said Draco, running to hug me, "I- I got my cat though!" I said, trying to lighten the mood. "Yeah! Well I better get back. I hope you feel better soon y/n!" Draco says as he leaves.

I felt so bad for y/n, she doesn't deserve this. As I was walking in my dorm I saw lavender run out, while Matteohad lipstick on his cheek, "hey Draco man, where you been?" Matteo asks me, "Draco??" He repeats, "don't talk to me." I said, "what did I do to you?" He asks- sitting on the sofa opposite the one I was on- "nothing to me, but you did something to someone else." I said, being stubborn,

Yass! 779 words! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I will make the next one in like a minute!
By the way the next chapter will be y/ns perspective!

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