"Be warned!"

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Hey! I hope you enjoy :)

as we entered the hall the there was actual floating candles, everywhere! We sat down at these large tables, I was next to Fred and Hermione, facing Harry and Ron. All the first years were getting sorted, and as I looked around, I saw a gorgeous boy, with hazel eyes, fluffy hair and a cut on his nose. I stared at him for a while, then he looked at me, winked and starting smirking. I glared at him, rolled my eyes and looked away.

the next thing I heard was from the headmaster, albus dumbledoor, "I would also like to welcome, a new 3rd year! Y/n smiths." I walked up to the hat, it made me jump as it was placed on my head. "Hm.. I see. Yes I see..you have courage and bravery of a gryfindoor, not afraid to show emotions to friends, kind, and patient like a hufflepuff, heart warming.. you have deep smartness in you.. you have persistence, although you are not afraid to manipulate someone, or throw hands when someone loved is hurt. Better be.... GRYFINDOOR" it yelled, I sighed, I was so relieved! There was many cheers from the gryfindoor table, I was given my robes then I went to sit. I saw that boy again, he was smiling slightly, I couldn't tell if he was annoyed or happy.. either way. Why should I care?

"You may all head to the gryfindoor common room to catch up, by 8 I want you all in dorms. But for now, let the feast begin!" He said, cheers- ing everyone. Suddenly, lots of food came from the table, it was A- MAZE- ING! By the time we were done, we were all sitting tp in the common room, it was honestly like a party.. but a very boring one.

'So y/n, we need to give you some warnings!" Hermione stated, "okay go for it!" I told her, "okay so. The people you shouldn't mess with is the Slytherin gang, pansy parkerson, is a pick me and a massive bully, Blaise zabini is useless and like there sidekick, Draco Malfoy is a daddy's boy, a bully and honestly just mean! Crabbe and goyle are so dumb, there also annoying. Then there Matteo riddle, he is Lord Voldemorts son, don't go near him, he's mean to everyone and all the girls want him cause his looks! But actually he's a jerk. He's also dating lavender brown, my ENEMY. She used to like Ron and she's a pick me, Rude and I just hate her!!!" Hermione squealed.

Hermione started pointing them out for me, "have you guys even met them?" I asked, "everyone but Matteo, he doesn't talk to 'weirdos' like us" "how can you assume he's rude then!" I ask "rumours, plus we see him do stuff. " "And I don't think Lavenders that bad..." Ron says "she is too!" Hermione said, "maybe she's just jealous because lavender wanted you Ron!" I say, smirking "wha- I don't uh no!!!!" She stutters, we all laugh and talk until around 10 pm.

900 words!!! I hope you are enjoying!! Are you? ———->

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