"Backfired b#tch"

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I'm so sorry guys! A whole lot deleted and I can't get it back! Basically what has happened is Matteo has started to ignore you and you don't know why, then you had Remus s  class. You all were doing the class where you said ridiculous to your biggest fear. When it was your turn, Matteo walked out. You were so surprised. But you weren't scared of him? Then you realised. You weren't scared of him. You were scared of loosing him.

"Afraid of the dark lords son, very well." Remus said as I was pushed to the side, I could tell Matteo knew what i was scared of too, and I could see Luna smirking at me, knowing what I was scared of too. Hermione seemed happy to know I was scared of him! Wow, Maybe she was just in a bad mood yesterday.

At lunch I sat with ravenclaw s today, cho Chang, Luna and a girl named Sophia herstang, there were so nice! "Y/n, if you don't mind me asking, what did you get in Remus s class today? I got my great aunt, she's freaky!" Cho asked, "uh well- I got Matteo riddle." She seemed shocked but in a good way, "don't worry! Im scared of the dark lord too!" Sophia comforted me, "no- it's not like that. I- Uhm I'm scared of loosing him." I said, hoping they wouldn't judge me, "awh that's so sweet!"

They said in unison, "they hang out everyday!" Luna continues, "yeah.. but for some reason, he's ignoring me.. he never does" I say, "what do you mean ignoring you??" Cho asked, "I don't know, just watch this" I said, as I got out my seat and walked over to the slytherin table. "Hey Theo wanna go to the library again toda-" he left, before I could finish. "Well that's unlike him." Draco said- from in front of were I was standing. "What do you mean?" I ask "I mean, he's normally head over heels for you. He gets so excited to hang out with you-" Draco said "approved" "it's true" "I dunno what's up with him" goyle, blaise and pansy said. "Well uh, thanks I guess. Cya around." I say walking away.

-time skip to after school-

"guys I am gonna go for a small walk" I told everyone- " I will come!" Mione says, "okay let's go!" I say, holding out my hand for her to hold, " I'm so glad your not hanging out with riddle anymore. He's so evil! You have finally knocked some sense into your head!" She said joyfully, "mione im not choosing to stay away, he's avoiding me," I tell her, I kinda miss being at the library everyday with him, laughing our heads of, getting told of by librarians because we're too loud.

"Cmon y/n, you are lucky I'm here helping you stay away from that villain!" She says 'villain' differently. Like she ment him. "Mione I appreciate you helping but it's my choice and I choose to be friends with him!" I say, she stops, she seems angry. " Y/N HES A VILLAIN IM HELPING YOU! DONT COME BACK TO ME WHEN HE BREAKS YOUR HEART OKAY? YOUR A TERRIBLE FRIEND! WHY ARE YOU EVEN HERE!?" she screams at me- " MIONE WAIT!-" she left, running away.

990 WORDS YAYYAAYAAYA! Im getting motivated but I dunno what to write in the next chapters.. I write to much in one chapter!!! Anyway I hope your enjoying! I will write the next part in a minute or tomorrow, have a good day!

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