"The f#ck.."

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My vision went blurry. The only thing I could see was Matteo run over to lavender and punch her in her 2 faced ugly pig ass face then he went to grab me as I fell. Had I died? Probably not. But it felt it.

I slowly opened my eyes after what felt like 10 seconds, but was apparently a week. "SHES AWAKE!" I heard a voice call out, it was Theo, he was holding my hand sitting next to me. "She's awake!" I heard, passed around the medical room, everything started to un-blur. I could see everything, "t-Theo?" I ask, mainly confused, "hey, hey how are you?" He asks calmly, "I'm okay.. what's the date?" I ask, "uh- August 2nd why?" "August 2nd!?? I swore it was July 18th.." I said, confused. "Yeah, you were uh- asleep for let's just say a long time." He says, smiling, "what about lavender?" I ask,

"Uh she's in the bed next to you.." He says, "why?? She choked me.." I ask, "yeah I kinda punched her." He says back, "oh cool- have you broken up with her?" I ask, "not yet.." he says, this makes me laugh a bit. "She's got no visitors, or cards, but you have loads!" Theo says, which cheers me up. "Matteo, I appreciate you visiting y/n but may we let some other people visit?"

Dumbledoor asks, slowly walking over. "Sure Professor. Bye y/n" he calls out, heading out the door. As soon as he leaves I see Hermione run in while Ginny, Ron and Harry slowly walk behind "Y/N! OH MY GOD ARE YOU OKAY?I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" She calls out, running over, almost in tears! "hey y/n" "hey gin" "hey y/n are you feeling better?" Harry asks, coming to crouch on the other side, "WON WON COME AND VISIT ME! "Lavender calls over, "you have a boyfriend.." Ron says coming over next to Harry, "do you know when you can come out?" Ron asks, "not yet. But hopefully soon.

Days and days pass, I get loads of visitors, and then I get an owl swoop in, holding a letter, which made me EXTREMELY excited. Mostly because I actually got a letter- 2nd of all, I saw my mums handwriting.

(By the way minx is your cat)

To my dear pumpkin y/n,
I'm so sorry to hear your in hospital, hopefully you will be awake by the time this letter reaches you.
That lavender girl is out of her brains for hurting you! At the end of term when I see you again, you will have to point her out to me! I will give her a 'friendly' talk. Of course, I don't really like the fact you and riddle are good friends, but if he makes you happy, you can do what you want. Oh, by the way! You are staying with the Weasleys for summer, I have a work trip! All of your stuff is already there, and I hope you still remember how much I love you and miss you! minx also misses you! He keeps sleeping in your room!
Get better soon,
Your favourite parent <3
(P.s hey hunny! It's dad, just to let you know it was my idea to write you a letter! And I'm your fav right?
(No it wasn't! And I'm her favourite)

I'm so sorry for the short chapter! Did you like the parents letter?———->

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