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enjoy! Btw i forget the teachers name who did the Amortentia potion so I'm just calling him professor flitwick- (coming from future me, I remember it now! It is Professor slughorn, if you see that mistake, you can imagine it as Professor slughorn!

after I was carried to hospital wing, they checked if anything was wrong, I hadn't broken any bones, I was just very chocked And had a twisted ankle, apart from that, I was fine. Weeks past and I was finally out! The class that i had was Professor flitwick, he was a substitute for potions since Snape apparently wasn't feeling well, I rushed to the class since I was late, "ah, y/n! Good to see you" he said, "sorry sir I just got out the hospital wing" I said, going over to stand with the others, next to Matteo.

"Good to see you" he whispered, "yeah, thanks for saving me, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you." I whispered back, I could tell he was smiling his old cheesy grin again, I'm glad his normal self was back. "Does anyone know what potion this is?" Professor asked us, holding up a potion shaped as a glass heart. Hermione was the only one who put her hand up, "yes Hermione?" He asked, " it's Amortentia, when you smell it you can only smell the cent of the person your meant to be with, like soulmates." She said, she's so smart! I mean, what would our class do without her?

"Correct!" He said, "now.. I will pick one of you to test it out!" "Hm... y/n! How about you?" He asked, holding out the potion, I took a step forward and smelt it "Matteo step back all I can smell is your cologne! And I do smell.. cigarettes.." I said, "very well!" sir said, continuing with the lesson. I saw Hermione and Ron whispering something, "you do know what she could smell was clearly Matteo, he wasn't even standing close, and I see him smoke all the time!" Hermione whispered to Ron, "I knew it from day 1." He whispered back.

~ time skip to end of the day~
I went to go stand out side for some fresh air, I saw Matteo out there too! "Theo!" I call out behind him, "smoking kills!" I say, walking over to him as he breaths the air of his cigarette out." I know it does sweetheart and I don't care about it!" he said, awh he calls me my nickname again! "Well I do!" I said, grabbing the cigarettes and putting in my pocket."at least one more?" He begs, "no! Now cmon- let's go to the library!" And with that, I grabbed his hand and pulled him inside, we sat in our spot and talked again for a while.

" where's lavender?" I ask, "oh she was suspended for 5 months!" He said, "oh that's nice!" I say cheerfully,we talk and laugh for quite a while! "Oh and Uhm, I know you probably don't want to but.. do you wanna be my girlfriend again?" He asks, "yes!" I say, jumping into his arms like last time, we went back to talking when I see a girl, sitting alone "y/n should we ask if she wants to join us?" He asks, I got so nervous, I felt like this girl might steal Matteo from me. "uh- I sure." "We don't have to if you don't want to" he comforts, "no it's okay we can" and with that, he gets up and goes to talk to her, 'sh#t I'm screwed.'

I think, and within a minute she's up walking over to us, "hello!" She says friendly, "I'm Layla!" She says, "nice to meet you, I'm y/n!" I say back, "that's a beautiful name!" She says, "you too!" I say back, and she ends up talking with us for quite a while! After a bit, Matteo goes back to his dorm and me and Layla become really good friends! "Sooo y/n, are you and Matteo dating?" she asks. "Uh no nit at the moment!" Although, there has been LOTS of ups an down!" I joke, "well, I will warn you my twin sister Kayla, she's drooling for him!" "I don't blame her, half the school is!" I reply, "no but, I don't know how we're twins! We're completely different. She wants a boy, she will go crazy for one. And she's mean!" she says, "well she'll have to get passed me first! I dealt with his old ex before, don't worry!" I say, "plus if she does ANYTHING! I will be here to whoop her ass!" She says, we both start laughing, (btw there both ravenclaws) after that me and Layla head back to our dorms, "bye y/n!" She calls out, "bye lay!" I call back cheerfully, I'm starting to get more happy now!

The next day me and layla are walking to the spot in the library, we were supposed to meet Matt there! To my surprise, there was a girl there, sitting, VERY close to him, like, nearly on his lap!! There faces were an inch apart! I saw Matt mouth to me "please help"  "ugh that's Kayla " lay said, I walked over "girl what you doing?" I said, "talking with my boyfriend what do you think?" She groaned, "I think that's no one's boyfriend your talking about." I said, then she got scoffed, and ran out the library, nearly in tears. "Thank god! She was so close to me!" He said, "Matt you changed! About a year ago If a girl even bumbled into by accident you were push then over to be honest" which all made us laugh,

We had the same routine! Every day. Me, Matt and Layla, in the library talking and laughing. This one day, I went to Matt the, there cause I had an after school detention, and I saw, Matt.. holding flowers, and he gave them to Layla.. red roses. He was also laughing, harder then usual, and he was smiling the biggest I have ever seen him smile, he seemed happier then he had ever been with me. I don't know why, but I was so sad, more upset then how I am usually, I mean.. I guess I'm still in love with him! I ran back to my dorm feeling the worst I had ever.


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