happier then ever

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-just pretend that you guys had time to do what you want after lunch cause you did well In class I guess?? -

as I walked out of potions I saw Matteo waiting outside the door, he looked like he was waiting for someone "hey sweetheart!" he said, as he came to walk next to me "hi Theo!" I replied, "do you wanna sit with me at lunch?" He asked, "I'm sorry I promised Fred and George I would sit with them! Maybe tomorrow?" "uh yeah sure! My girlfriend probably wants to sit with me anyway." He said, smiling, I did smile back, but the word 'girlfriend' made it feel fake for some reason.

We talked about studies and my dragon niko all the way to the lunch hall, "well do you wanna hang out at the library with me after at least?" I asked him, turning to face him, "yeah of course! cya there y/n!" He called out as he walked away, "bye Theo!" I could tell by the nickname 'Theo' Lavender already had me in her death list.

"Y/n!?? Why were you walking with you know who's son?? And did you call him 'Theo'??" Hermione asked, all these questions dazzled all of my friends, "yeah and you were with him in the library yesterday!" Ginny calls out, I glare at her meaning 'why would you say that????!!?' "Listen guys he's not as bad as you think! He's nothing like his father or brother!" I told them, sitting down, "orrr maybe your in love!" Harry pointed out, "what- I- no!!" I blurted out, "ooo! I mean, I hate the thought of my best friend dating Matteo RIDDLE but... oooooh!" Ron said, "yeah! is that why you called him Theo?~~" Fred asked "wha- no no guys your all being idiots!" I told them, I could tell Hermione was in a mood, "mione you don't think I like him right?" I ask her, "yes! And I think it's a stupid idea for you lot to think she does have a crush! I mean, he's evil! Why would she?" She said, obviously annoyed, it kinda hurt hearing her say 'evil' but I do agree..

After lunch was finished, we decided to talk about what we should do in our free time! "we could go back to one of our dorms and talk?" Ron suggested, "or read? My dorm has so many books, it's like a library! shoot! I had forgotten to meet Matteo
"SORRY GUYS GOTTA GO TALK LATER!" I said, and I shot up to run to the library

-very short Hermione pov! <3-
everyone keeps saying y/n likes Matteo riddle, I mean, she clearly doesn't! And shouldn't! He's probably
Forcing her to hangout. But he's EVIL! he's evil, rude, a bully, a jerk! If she falls in love. She will be heartbroken.
And I used to like him. It hurts seeing someone so close get loved by someone I used to! But he never noticed me.
Then I found out how evil he is! He's the son of the biggest villain on earth!
During lunch, y/n randomly shot up after Ginny said 'library' "SHOOT SORRY GUYS GOTTA GO TALK LATER!" And after that, she was gone. She headed in the way of the library, of course. She was going to Matteo, but why such a hurry?

I'm sorry these are short chapters! I'm trying to get more chapters otherwise les ppl read :(

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