the battle of hogwarts, pt2.

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Btw I'm sorry for the wait! I ended up having a 2 day sleepover with my friends and couldn't upload! Enjoy

We were all fighting for our lives, while Voldemort was chasing Harry and Matteo. I don't know what happened, but while w e were all fighting, I saw Harry and Voldemort fall, like.. they were hugging? Never mind. There killing each other. But then they both reached for there wands and said the ✨magic words✨ "AVADA CADAVRA" they screamed, I could tell Harry was struggling, so I went behind Voldemort and killed him, "AVADA CEDAVRA!" I screamed, "THATS FOR KILLING FRED YOU BITCH!" I yelled as he disintegrated to pieces.

(HELP I WROTE 'as he disconnected for a second')

I heard cheering and I was guessing. We won. I ran to Matt and gave him a huge hug. "I told you this would all work out :)" "you were right. It did, and I'm so glad I met you." He whispered back. And then all the death eaters we're watching me. "Well.. oh how the tables have turned! Your very, very kind, leader has clearly died! :) so.. we've clearly switched, so join us.. or die." A few stepped forward "I'm joking bitches! I don't want your musty crusty asses over here! Go home. And never come back! Your free." I said, which made a few people laugh.

We all went inside to help the dead people. I ran straight to the Weasleys and knelt down beside him "we did it freddy!" I said quietly "but we won't be able to pull that prank you wanted.. maybe another day" I said, I felt a tear rolled down my cheek. "WAIT!" I pulled out a wrinkled, ripped and dirty small bit of paper from my pocket. "I was in the hospital wing so long o was able to make a spell to heal someone!" I said excitedly. "Sham,yahtin, opsuin,kidtyin." I said, swirling my wand in different directions.

After around 30 minutes of doing that on repeat, Fred slowly opened his eye and winced in pain, "w-what happened." He asked, "you died! You died oh my god! But y/n brang you back to life!" Molly squealed, I left to give them some time, and I went looking for Matteo, "excuse me have you seen Matteo riddle?" "Have you seen riddle?" "Have you seen Matteo?" But all I got was a simple 'no' until I saw Harry looking worried and heading towards the way he had ran, I followed him to see Matteo lying in the floor, bleeding " THEO OH MY GOD!" I yelled, "WHAT HAPPENED!?" I said, "Voldemort got him." Harry said, "hey, hey it's okay I'm here, I can heal you." I said, I breathed in, out and tried it again, "Sham,yahtin, opsuin,kidtyin." I said, swirling my wand in different directions.

Finally, his cut healed, but he was still in pain,"you have lost to much blood matt.." I said "it's okay I'm fine" he said "you clearly aren't! Stay still" I said, but he still sat up, trying to not groan from pain "I said don't move Theo!" I said, "all I need is a kiss not anythinggg" he groaned, I gave him a kiss then carried on. "This will hurt a bit alright?" I told him, and I wiped the cut with my wand he squeezed my hand tightly. "Do you remember that day I first met you in the library?" He asked me, "yeah why?" I replied, "I wish we could turn back time" he said, "hey, well back then, I didn't know how much I was in love with you. All I knew was a jerky evil boy" I said, "and that all changed.

all of us were walking out to see how much damage Hogwarts had been under, when we saw 2 figures walking towards us. I fucking flipped, it was my parents. "Who's that?" Everyone whispered "MUM!? DAD!?" I yelled, running over to them, "I THOUGHT YOU HAD DIED!" I said, "we did too! We had the most amazing doctor though, she helped us!" My mum told me.

I'm so glad your here now not 30 minutes ago" I said jokingly, "why? And why are you bleeding? And Hogwarts is.. broken? Not like the picture you sent me" my dad said "well.. Voldemort attacked, and then we were all fighting each other and then Harry killed Voldemort and yeah!" I said.

"she missed out half the details. Y/n saved us all! She killed Voldemort, and brang dead people back to life!" Hermione said walking over, "we have always been so proud of you" my mum said, "well.. would you like to meet some of my friends?" I asked, "why not" my dad said smiling. "Well first, this is Hermione, my best friend" I said, as we walked over, "that's Luna, Sophie and cho" I said, "there's the Weasleys- you can say hi after," I said, knowing they would talk for AGES!

"There's Harry and Neville, there's Draco" I said, pointing, "what about the girl next to Draco?" My mum asked, meaning pansy" oh no she's a bitch" I said, "language!" My dad said, " oh and what about that cute boy over there?" My mum asked, I laughed a bit at that "well... that is Matteo, Matteo riddle." I said, "oh.. how did he end up like that? Getting his looks from no nose guy!" My dad asked, "I know right?" My mum replied,

"Uhm so mum and dad.. Matteo was my friend. Then my best friend.. then my boyfriend." I said, trembling, I felt more nervous now then earlier! "BOYFRIEND!?" My dad shouted, "awhhh your growing up so fast!!" My mum said, I put my head in my hands, they were so embarrassing! I think Matteo looked over when he heard the word 'boyfriend'. He looked so hot! He had a black t-shirt, a cut in his nose and he had a shovel in hand, they were starting to re build Hogwarts. "Yep.. we were friends, to best friends, to dating, to best friends to dating again.." I said, "wow!" My dad seemed surprised and confused! "You can go chit chat with molly now mum" I said, and she just ran off, as soon as molly saw my mum she squealed and they hugged for a good 3 minutes. I slowly walked over to Matteo "you having fun?" I asked. "Totally." He said, I laughed at his response "you have mud on your face!" I said, "Probably! I see your parents are here?" He said, confused a bit, "no offence, but weren't they dead?" He asked me, "yep but they were saved!" I said, "oh- well. That's nice I guess" he said. We decided to walk of into the bridge and just chat, "a lot has happened since we first met" I said, "definitely. And I'm so glad we did meet. Even with lots of ups and downs." He replied, smiling across at me "Y/n we have To go home now!" I heard my dad yell to me, I turned to face Matteo.
"We this is goodbye I guess." I said to him, "have a great time at Hogwarts next year, I love you y/n." He said. Hogwarts wouldn't be the same without him. "I love you." I said. "Y/N COME ON WERE GONNA MISS THE TRAIN IN 30 MINUTES!" My mum called. And with that, I walked of. Leaving him there, the last time, I would ever see Matteo riddle.

The end.

Omg noooo! Also if your confused, because Matteos father is dead, he won't be returning to Hogwarts and will be staying with the oldest deatheater and will not be aloud to return to Hogwarts. Alsooooo the ending was the same line as the beginning!

So longgg! and there is one more thing I wanna ask you! Go to the next chapter!

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