"Im scared of loosing you!"

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Yayaya enjoy!

after a bit Matteos so called 'girlfriend' came over, "MATTYBOOBOOBEAR I MISS YOU MWA MWA!" She said, kissing him, "You were on point with the impression " he whispered to me "why are you still here freak? Shoo!" She said, looking me up and down, she went to sit on Matteos lap and I could tell he was disgusted "she's not a freak lavender" Matteo said, lightly pushing her off his lap, "sorry matty!" She said cupping his cheeks, "exactly quiet down pipsqueak!" I say, "well I will let you loveydovey pair have space, bye Theo cya tmr" I say, waving and sort of mouthing 'sorry' I hated Lavender, not only was she separating me and my best friend, she was rude, I so agree with mione now, something that did make me laugh a bit was I could hear lavender telling Matteo "why is she calling you Theo? I'm your girlfriend!" And I found that incredibly funny, although I still, hated lavender being with Matteo, I don't know why, but I have a huge anger with her right now.

I walked into the common room to see everyone (Ginny, Luna, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, George) sitting in a circle laughing, "oh hey y/n!" Harry called out, "ugh your finally back!" Hermione groaned, "are you finished with your lovey talk with Matteo in the library?"ginny asked, smirking "wha- how did you know i was in there?" I questioned, coming to sit down with them. "Mione told us she saw you in there with him!" Ron said, "mione!!! Plus, I don't like him! He has a GIRLFRIEND!" I said, "yeah sureeee!" Fred said, teasingly, "guys she doesn't like that evil villain, did you forget he's the SON of lord Voldemort" she got annoyed and just left.

"What's her problem?" George asks, "I guess she's right though," Ginny says, following her out the door. Everything after that was quite awkward, Ginny and Hermione were gone for around 20 minutes, so me and Luna headed up to my dorm to talk and read, "y/n, I know you like Matteo." Luna says calmly, "not you as well!" I say jokingly "y/n, you may not know it yet, but you do! And he's the same, you call each other nicknames, your happier around him then anyone else, he may seem like a best friend, but your in love," she says, turning the page of her book. "wha- but like you said! I don't know it yet, he's just a best friend" I say, what Luna said really went in.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I hope your loving this book! Are you? ————->

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