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Okay I don't know what to say to you guys so let's just get straight to it!

-y/n pov <3-
as I was walking I could hear footsteps near me, "hello??" I called out, but there was nobody, I bet they just left when they saw I knew they were following me, probably just Fred or George being the dummy's they are! I headed to the libary, luckily where the books about dragons where, the hall was empty, I grabbed a book called 'how to train your dragon' and read, did you know dragons age 2 years at a time? Interesting! I was having quite a fun time until riddle came, well actually- it wasn't to bad.

I felt breath on my neck, "boo" I heard, I grabbed my book and slapped someone or something in the face- it was Matteo riddle.
"OMG I AM SO SORRY!" I yelled, "SHHH! ITS A LIBARY!" The libary worker whisper-shouted to me. "omg I'm so sorry!" I whisper- shout to Matteo " it's- it's okay" he says, laughing a bit, I smile at him "Matteo right?" "So You know my name?"He says, smiling back

"mhm, half the school population dribbles over you!" I say, laughing a bit, "oh true, it's kinda obvious if you put it that way" he says, smiling at me with a big cheesy grin. "Did you need something?" I ask Him, "not really I just wanted to talk since everyone was eating slow" he says, it makes me giggle a bit., (EW I SAID GIGGLE...) I don't know why! he sat next to me, and said, "do you wanna be friends?" Holding out his hand, I shook it and said "sure :)"  me and Matteo talked and laughed for hours! "Y'know, your not a jerky heartbreaker that is a bully to everyone that people talk about!" I say, "wow I'm guessing to take that as a compliment?" He says as we both start laughing.

"Can I call you Theo instead of mattheo? It's tooo long!" I say, smirking, "only if I can call you sweetheart !" He says back, I make a sort of :O face and say "fineee" I glare at him in a jokey way, " I better head back. They will be wondering where I am!" He says, his smile fades a bit. "alright, cya Theo!" "Bye sweetheart!" He says, smirking. I felt like a tomato.

I really hope you guys are enjoying this story! Well, I am actually! I'm so sorry about spelling mistakes! It's your choice of actions but if you see it please don't point it out, it takes me a long time to write! :)
The word count is: 1000! Yay! Next chapter will definitely have 1500 I promise!

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