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uh well....enjoy ig!

that next morning, me and Hermione woke late, like LATE. We rushed round the school, trying to get to class in time. "Thank god it's Professor Mcgnagall not snape! He would give us a week detention or something" she said, obviously annoyed. I bet she had never been Late for a class before- "ladies why are you late?" She asked us, as we walked through the door, "sorry miss, I'm new and I got lost so Hermione came to help me!" I lied, phew that was close!

In class we all had to change a glass cup into a water animal! "please say asmaly and swipe your wand up, down then curl!" She told us, all you could hear was "asmal-asmaly-asmaly-ugh- oo" and all that stuff. The only ones that worked was mine, Ron's, Hermione s  and Matteo s. Mine turned into a dragon, Matteos a bunny, Ron's a rat and Hermione s  a bird, well that's not entirely true.. ours actually turned to water animals, by 'ours' I mean me, Hermione and Matteo. Ron's shaped like a rat, then got furry, and looked like a molded dead rats fur on a cup! Hermione s bird just sat there, Matteo s bunny hopped around and my dragon started flying around, Although suddenly, my dragon turned real!

In front of me was a little baby dragon, who blew fire at the water on my desk, drying it, "stay calm y/n! I will get rid of it" Professor Mcgnagall said, pulling her wand out, "wait! Don't hurt it!" I said, putting my hand to her wand, I picked up the baby dragon and held it like a baby, I started to stroke it and it fell straight asleep."see? No harm done." I could feel eyes on me, but I didn't care. "Oh- well- well done ms y/n!" she said clapping quietly "in this case, you may keep him.. or her" she said, smiling, going back to teach the class.


"Ugh I'm starving! This is gonna be a good lunch." And as I said that, loads of food came out of the tables, I was so hungry, I ate faster then anyone else! "Guys I'm full already, I'm gonna head to the library to check out dragon books." I Told them as I walked away to the libary, I hoped I would remember the way.

well great. Another year of being loved because of my looks and hated because of my family🥲
A new girl joined this year, I swore you couldn't join mid year though..
She was staring at me during the sorting ceremony, I knew it! She's like any other girl, falling in love. She was sitting with the potter, Weasley and granger. I wonder how they became friends so quickly. She ended up being quite stubborn. I like her, she's gorgeous, with green eyes, brown hair and the most beautiful smile, but I mean, I have a girlfriend. I don't like like her like that! But I definitely wanted to get to know her. At lunch I saw her leave earlier then others, I followed behind her, hoping she wouldn't see me. She turned around and said "hello??" Luckily I hid behind the corner, I could tell where she was going, the libary! I went the 2nd route to meet her there.

Hey I hope your enjoying!

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