"im out!..."

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hey I hope you enjoy this!

To be honest this made me this them even more. They were the best parents anyone could wish for!
I can't bloody wait for my mum to meet lavender.

Time skip to when we're out!
I walk into the great hall, luckily no one stares, they just look at me, look me up and down, then away to carry on talking.I see Hermione talking to a Hufflepuff, I decided to go sit with them, I loved Hufflepuffs! They were so kind. "Oh y/n your out!" Hermione said, smiling at me, "yep!" "This is Cedric diggory, Cedric this is y/n," she introduces, "yes I have heard many good things about you!" He said, smiling, "well I need the toilet be right back!" Hermione said, leaving the two of us alone.

We talked for quite a bit! To my surprise, he wasn't as weird as the other Puffs. "Oh shoot!" I say, looking at my watch, " im Late for class!" I say, grabbing my stuff, "I-uh can walk you there?" He said, smiling, "sure! If you want to. :]" I say, heading out the hall.

"Hey y/n-" Cedric asks me, "yeah?" I answer, "well uh- are you dating Matteo riddle?"he asks, Turning his head a bit to see if anyone is near, "Uh.. no why?" I answer, wondering why he would bring up this type of question." Good." He said, he sounded very evil at this time. He suddenly pushed me against the wall, forcing my head and a bit of my back to bleed when it go caught on the wall- he started to kiss me "CEDRIC GET OF ME!" I screamed, "AHHHHH" I really hoped someone would come.

"SHUT UP YOU PIECE OF SH#T" he yelled back, before I knew it, the Slytherin gang and Matteo in front came running over "Y/N!? Y/N OH MY GOD" pansy yelled out, " DON'T  JUST STAND THERE, STOP HIM MATTEO!" Blaise yelled out, "I will get a teacher" Draco says, running off, Matteo runs over to Cedric, and punches him in the mouth. "WHAT THE F#CK BRO!" Matteo yelled out, Matteo pushed him against the wall, causing him to have a nosebleed. "WHY, WOULD,YOU, HURT, HER" he shouted, slapping him in the face every time, he grabbed me, and pulled me in, "are you okay?" He asked me.

"did he hurt you?" He continued, "j-just my back and my head are bleeding I think.." I said quietly, my head hurried into his chest,"your okay, your okay" he whispered in my ear as I sobbed, he kissed my forehead as teachers ran in, at this point, I think Cedric was more heart then me! They carried me to the hospital wing, back in my bed, "back again my dear? You only left this morning!" The nurse said, I still had candy and cards from my last trip here, so I would be comforted in my stay.

~while everyone is in the great hall apart from you ~
"Hello dear students, I would just like to tell you that I'm very disappointed with you. Not all of you, but most of you. One of your fellow students has been in pain, in the hospital 3 times in 2 days. I really hope you will notice what your doing, and try
To be better next year. And with that, have a very nice holidays, so long till next year." Dumbledoor said

Yay! 789 words! also thank you for the person who voted for this book! I hope your enjoying it <3

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