6 | friends of old

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"Sign there as well." Griffin, Finn's lawyer said, pointing to a line on the bottom of the page.

Doing as he was told, Finn signed the paper, then looked to Malcolm to do the same.

"Gentlemen." Griffin said, standing up to his full six foot four frame, "As usual, it's been a pleasure." he held his hand out and Finn and Malcolm each gave it a strong shake.

"Likewise." Finn said, feeling a bit beleaguered by the drawn out session of signing a litany of legal documents. But now it was over, and he and Malcolm could just relax in a hotel suite somewhere in the Atlanta skyline. The idea of ordering a few beers and greasy cheese pizza, and just vegging out in front of a TV for the remainder of the day felt about as inviting as heaven.

"Until next time." Malcolm said to Griffin as they stepped into the elevator just off his office.

Griffin nodded, "Till then, guys."

And then the doors closed around them and they started heading down the forty story building full of lawyers doing legal things.

"God," Finn said, stretching his hands up and bending his back till it cracked, "What a day, man."

Malcolm laughed, "I don't know what you're talking about, I feel like a million bucks!"

"You must have actually slept last night then, huh?"

"I mean, yeah. That's how I typically spend my nights."

Shaking his head with a tired chuckle, Finn said, "What's that like?"

"Like a dream, bro." Malcolm patted his back.

When the bell chimed, signaling they were back on the main level, the doors opened and both men stepped out. Malcolm said he had to hit the restroom and Finn nodded, then followed his nose the little Starbucks that was tucked into the wall near the entrance.

His caffeine tolerance was being tested today, but it was necessary.

The line was long, but Finn got in it and began scrolling through his phone which he knew made him less aware of his surroundings, but he didn't really care at this particular moment. That is, until he heard the voice of an old friend.


His head snapped up and turned toward the woman standing behind him, an expression of flustered surprise on her face.

"Oh-Oh my God." He said, stuffing his phone in his back pocket, "Millie—I, I—well, hi."

He didn't really know how to greet someone like Millie. Normally, upon seeing someone he'd worked with a long time ago, he'd just hug them. They'd exchange greetings, maybe have a quick catch-up session, and then be on their way.

But Millie wasn't just an old co-worker. There was far more to their relationship than work. Plus, she looked like she'd just been crying and his heart ached a little. It reminded him of the last time he saw her, she had been crying then too. Although he assumed that at least now, she probably wasn't crying for the same reason.

She sniffled, clearly trying to act as if she wasn't just crying "What are you doing here?" Her surprise was quickly morphing into concern and her eyes, a little red and puffy, were taking on a very fearful look.

He chuckled nervously, "Just had a quick meeting with my lawyer and Malcolm." he looked around to see if Malcolm was on his way back. He was nowhere to be seen.

Millie nodded and crossed her arms, looking to the floor.

"A-are you okay?" he asked, and immediately regretted it. Whatever she had been repressing bubbled up and her face crumpled into tears. Shit.

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