12 | first thing's first

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Finn made sure to be waiting in the lobby of the Gregorio long before the time Millie had told him to be there out of fear of them running into each other right outside their front doors. He was going to tell her that he rented the apartment across from her, but not while stepping out of the apartment across from her. That would be awkward.

He had some trouble this morning figuring out what to wear. He thought a suit and tie made sense at first, but once it was on, it felt like he was trying too hard and looked like an ass. He downgraded to black slacks and a collared shirt only to look in the mirror and see a soccer dad staring back at him. Also a no-go. He then changed into something more within his normal range. He donned a Ramones tee and a nicer pair of jeans with black Vans. He made his hair look more presentable with a touch of gel and spritzed on some cologne before he left his apartment and then grabbed them each a London fog from the little cafe cart in the lobby.

And that's how Millie found him downstairs.

"For me?" she asked, walking up to him.

"London fog." he said, holding it out to her, "Half sweetened, right?"

A curious smile splayed on her face as she took the cup and sipped, then nodded, "Right. . ."  she cleared her throat, "Glad to be in your own clothes today?" she asked, pulling her purse onto her shoulder. She was also in something more like her usual self. Strides nicer than what he was wearing, but that had always been the case. Her designer jeans probably cost four times the price of his from old navy. And her white Michael Kors blouse was the definition of chic.

"Yeah," he said, wavering, "But I did like what you set out for me yesterday. Thanks for that by the way."

"You already thanked me." she said with a smirk.

He shrugged as they began to walk, "I try to err on the side of gratitude."


Finn ventured a glance down to Millie's face as they paced across the lobby to the parking garage. He knew things that she wasn't aware he knew. That she told her fiancé about everything. That he saw how angry he was but also witnessed the reconciliation. He wanted to ask about it. To make sure that everything was, in fact, reconciled, but he didn't know how to ask it without giving himself away. Her expression was guarded though. He wasn't sure what that meant but he didn't want to make it seem like he was trying to get anything out of her.

"Oh! Mr. Wolfhard." came a voice from in front of them. He hadn't realized that he wasn't paying close attention to where he was going. They had made it to the door to the parking garage, and walking through it was the office assistant that rented him the apartment, she must have been just coming in for the day. He hadn't accounted for that. His face burst with panic, his forehead flaming with icy sweat.

"Enjoying the view?" she asked.

Millie stopped and was looking up at him with skepticism creasing her brow.

"Um, yes, very much." He smiled and moved toward the door like he was in a hurry. But the woman kept talking, "Well, if you need anything from management, or if there are ever any problems, don't hesitate to come talk to us." she turned to leave, nodding to Millie as she passed her, "Miss Brown." she said, and then she was gone.

Finn pushed the door open and a cool humidity engulfed him. He began to walk toward the elevator until he realized Millie was lagging a few paces behind and was staring daggers at him.

He shoved his hands into his pockets to keep them from fidgeting, "Oh, um, yeah, that was weird, huh?"

"Was it?" she asked. Her eyes fell to the keys sticking out of his pocket, marked with a regal looking 'G'. How had he not noticed that before?

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