01: The Drive.

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"Do you really have to make such a big deal out of nothing?!" Mark yelled at Chaewoo who started yet another argument of the day

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"Do you really have to make such a big deal out of nothing?!" Mark yelled at Chaewoo who started yet another argument of the day.

"It's not nothing! Why did you go to the café with that girl?!"

"She's just a colleague! We have a group project to do together but other guys were late, how many times am I supposed to tell you that?!"

"I'm sure there were other guys too, yeah!"

Mark put his head in his hands in frustration. He sighed and looked back up at his girlfriend. "You're jealous over any girl. Even over workers at cafés or bars or restaurants. This isn't normal, Chaewoo."

"You're handsome and I know how you make girls feel. You're mr. perfect guy." she walked around the room.

"Oh my god." he sighed and leaned back on the couch. "This is really getting out of hand. You're driving me crazy, Chaewoo."

"Oh, I'm driving you crazy?!"

Mark stood up and walked towards the front door. He put his shoes on as his girlfriend yelled like a maniac. "Where are you going?!"

"I need to take a break from you or else I'll go crazy." he slammed the door behind him, leaving her alone in her apartment. He could still hear her yelling inside the house as he ran down the stairs, not being able to handle this and listen to her screams while waiting for the elevator.

Him and Chaewoo have been dating for two years. She used to be a sweet girl who simply enjoyed spending time with him and vice versa. Recently it felt like her whole personality changed. She became jealous and even possessive towards Mark. He was a handsome, sweet and kind boy who was known and very liked for that. He never had any enemies and never had to fight or argue with anyone. He's been getting tired of Chaewoo's jealousy bit by bit, but his feelings for her still lingered somewhere in him, so he kept on giving her chance after chance.

He got into the parking lot and into his car. His original plan was to drive straight to his apartment but changed his mind and wanted to drive around for awhile, blasting music.

He drove like that for almost an hour, taking in the night sky and stars when suddenly he noticed someone sitting on the ground with headphones on and broken bike next to them. He didn't even think twice before stopping the car on the side of the road. As he quickly got out, he noticed it began to rain slightly.

"Are you ok?" he walked over to the girl.

She took off her headphones and looked up at Mark. She stood up immediately. "Oh my, finally someone stopped by." a soft smile appeared on her face and the two's eyes met for the first time.

She saw kindness in his eyes that were big and round like puppy's. He noticed a hint of fear yet hope in hers, except for them being small and shining like the stars on the sky.

"What happened?" he broke the silence.

"My bike broke." she pointed "and nobody would stop to help me so I gave up."

"Did you call anyone?"

"No, I'm new in town. In the country, actually. My friends aren't in town and taxis said they won't come get me because it's too far away from the center."

Mark felt immediately sorry for the girl, shivering from sitting outside in the cold. "Listen, I know it may seem scary but I don't think there's any better option."

The girl looked at him with pleading eyes.

"I can take your bike on top of my car and drive you wherever you want."

The girl looked at him and at her bike then back at Mark again, obviously contemplating. The idea was a bit scary since she didn't know the boy, but she felt like she would freeze if she didn't take the opportunity. She nodded and the boy smiled, walking over to her bike and putting it on top of his car. "Get inside, it's starting to rain harder."

The girl listened and got inside the car. It was a nice looking one even inside, it seemed like he was either rich or worked really hard to buy it. She rubbed her arms with her hands as she shivered.

Mark got behind the wheel after putting her bike on the car. He turned towards the girl and extended his hand. "I'm Mark." he smiled looking the girl straight in the eyes.

She smiled softly and shook his hand. "Kazuha."

"That's a pretty name. Nice to meet you." he smiled with his pearly whites and put on his seatbelt. With the corner of his eye he noticed her shivering even more so he reached over to his backseat and grabbed one of his sweatshirts that was just there for no reason. "Here, you can put it on."

Kazuha shook her head. "No, it's ok, I'll be warm in a bit."

Mark, not wanting to pressure her, put the sweatshirt on her lap. "Just in case you change your mind."

She smiled at his kindness and nodded meanwhile he turned on the heater to max and rubbed his hands together. "Where to?"

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