03: The Text.

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Mark had few beers in his apartment after he came back that night

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Mark had few beers in his apartment after he came back that night. His roommate and best friend Jaemin joined him for one but then went to his room to watch a movie. Mark enjoyed his night alone, drinking and watching some dating reality show. His phone was blowing up from calls and text messages from his girlfriend so he eventually turned it off. He didn't want to or felt the mental strength to deal with her drama that night.

The next morning he got ready quickly. As he prepared breakfast for him and Jaemin, the boy joined him and helped.

"What happened between you and Chaewoo?"

Mark sighed as he stirred the eggs on the pan. "Don't even ask. Another jealous outburst."

"I told you she's not good for you, man. Why do you keep coping with her bullshit?"

"I feel like I'm losing the patience for real."

"I would've dumped her a long time ago. She's way too dramatic for you and you're too good for her."

"Maybe you're right."

"You know I'm right."

Mark sighed as Jaemin patted his back. The two set their table and ate their breakfast as they talked about what game to buy for their PS4 and when Mark wanted to check them out online, he noticed that his phone was still off. He turned it on quickly and countless of new messages from Chaewoo popped up. He sighed and turned the screen for Jaemin to see. The boy hit his forehead and shook his head.

Mark scrolled through the notifications when his face suddenly lit up.

1 Unread Message from: Kazuha

He chuckled at how she wasn't creative with the name for the contact and didn't even try to come up with anything. He giggled to himself as he found it cute for some reason.

Jaemin furrowed his eyebrows at his friend who giggled to his phone. He chuckled and ignored it, thinking that maybe Chaewoo texted him something that made his anger at her go away, as usual. She was that manipulative and he hated that Mark kept letting her play him.

Mark clicked on the notification and read the text. "Have a nice day, superhero 🦸‍♂️". he laughed out loud and Jaemin shook his head, still thinking Chaewoo was behind his laugh. Mark texted back "you too, and don't get into trouble again, im pretty busy today so i won't be able to save you :("

Kazuha texted back immediately, almost as if she was waiting with the phone in her hands.

i'll try my best hahah
that's too bad tho, i wanted to invite you for that coffee

Mark scratched the back of his neck. He'd definitely enjoy the company of her more than the argument him and Chaewoo would've had that day, but he knew he had to talk with his girlfriend.

that sounds like a really good idea tbh
i'll keep you updated, sounds good?

sure thing! :)

Mark smiled to the screen once again and locked his phone. He sighed and rubbed his eyes in frustration when Jaemin patted his hand to look at the game he was checking out reviews of.

Mark drove to see Chaewoo. He parked his car outside her building and walked inside. As he waited for the elevator, he kept on sighing. He really didn't want to deal with the situation or even see his girlfriend which wasn't a good sign if even the thought of having to be in the same room with her was driving him crazy. Maybe it was really time for them to split up.

He knocked on the door and didn't have to wait long for Chaewoo to open.

"Where have you been?! I've been calling and texting!"

Mark sighed and tilted his head back, frustration just kept rising. "Will you keep it down?!" he whisper-shouted and walked into the apartment, not wanting the neighbors to hear any more of that.

"I've been calling and texting you like a maniac all night!"

"Exactly, like a maniac!" he shouted back.

Chaewoo crossed her arms. "Excuse me?!"

"I really can't take this anymore."

"What are you trying to say?"

The boy sighed and looked the girl in the eyes. "I think we should split up."

long overdue decision man 😤

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long overdue decision man 😤

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