23: Finale.

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Mark rubbed Kazuha's back up and down as soon as they left the court room

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Mark rubbed Kazuha's back up and down as soon as they left the court room. Jaemin, Doyoung and Eunhee waited alongside them. Everyone looked at Chaewoo leaving the courtroom as well, glancing at them with the meanest look they've ever seen. Though that time she didn't say a word even though she probably wanted to.

"Are you two ok?" Jaemin asked fondly.

"I'm happy with the result, what about you?" Kazuha turned to Mark.

He sighed and nodded. "Me too."

"The restraining order is the best solution."

"Hopefully the psychiatric help turns her crazy mind back around." Doyoung added and everyone agreed.

"Let's get out of here."

The five of them stood outside of the court's building and wondered what to do next since they didn't have any other plans.

"Do you want to grab something to eat?" Eunhee asked.

Before anyone could answer, Doyo blurred out loudly "I have a better idea." and his cute gummy smile made everyone curious what he had thought of.

"Over here!" the oldest waved his hand high in the air for Mark and Kazuha to see. His smile was visible from miles away. "You can throw your bags in here."

"Oh my god, who brought so much suitcases?" Mark widened his eyes at the almost fully stuffed trunk.

"Who else?" Kazuha shook her head at Eunhee who just smiled teasingly. She gasped as soon as she saw Jaemin's kitten. "Are you bringing her with us?!" she began to pet it and kiss it.

"I didn't want to leave her alone."

"Can I hold her?" Jaemin let her immediately and she felt how much the kitten has grown. "So you're actually taking care of her like you promised, huh?"

"Of course! She's my baby." Jaemin smiled and kissed the kitten's head.

Eunhee cleared her throat and looked upset. Everyone furrowed their eyebrows at her and then at each other. Their mouths dropped wide open when Jaemin suddenly kissed her cheek and said "you're my baby too."

Eunhee swayed on her feet with the biggest smile on her face, enjoying their shocked reactions. Jaemin looked at each and every one of them and rolled his eyes "oh my god, you two are together, what happened, how did it happen?~" he mocked them with a silly voice and they all pushed him playfully one after another. "Yo, yo, yo! I know kung fu!" Jaemin made a pose worthy of Bruce Lee and everyone almost cried laughing immediately.

"Ok guys, let's get going, the beach house can't stand there all empty especially that I already paid for it!"

Mark pulled Kazuha towards him which made the girl fall into his arms. He looked at her lovingly and she did the same, smiling at her boyfriend. He kissed the tip of her tiny nose and hugged her tight. "Thank you for making me realize that I deserved better than her."

Kazuha hid her face in the crook of his neck. "Thank you for being my superhero then and now." she kissed his neck.

"Come on, love birds! You can be lovey dovey at the beach!" Doyoung rolled down the window to yell at the two who immediately listened to their older friend and got into the car, excited for the break they needed.

The End.

and that's ittttt 💕everything was evolving quickly in this story but that's how it was supposed to be since i wanted to make it a short one, kind of like a one-shot :,)

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and that's ittttt 💕
everything was evolving quickly in this story but that's how it was supposed to be since i wanted to make it a short one, kind of like a one-shot :,)

i hope you liked it even tho its not my best tbh 😭 it was one of my very first ones and i think my writing has gotten much better now :,)

i hope u will check out more of my works 💚

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