19: Movie.

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Kazuha stayed home just like Mark asked her to

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Kazuha stayed home just like Mark asked her to. She tried to occupy her mind with something else so she turned on a movie on Netflix. Though she really enjoyed watching "White Chicks" for the hundredth time, she couldn't focus on it completely nor laugh like she always did.

"Kazuha, it's me." Mark knocked on the door and the girl ran over as quickly as she could to let him in.

As soon as she saw him, she threw herself in his arms, surprising him with the gesture. He eventually squeezed her tight and patted her head.

"Do you want something to drink?" she asked once they got back inside.

"You don't have to make me anything, just relax."

Kazuha chuckled. "My hands are ok."

Mark smiled for a second as he watched her taking out Christmas mugs. "Isn't it too early for those?" he laughed.

"These are my favorite! I don't care."

The boy chuckled and walked over to the girl. His arms wrapped around her back and intertwined in the front. He placed his chin on her shoulder and those gestures made the girl freeze a little. She wasn't used to all the physical touch with him yet so every time he showed his affection, she felt shivers all over her body. It was all so new and exciting and she loved it to bits.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you because of me." he said in a soft voice, his breath hitting her skin.

"It's not your fault that she's crazy."

"I really don't know what happened with her. She wasn't like that. If she was, I would've never dated her."

"It's hard to believe she wasn't like that. She's too good at being a psycho."

Mark sighed and squeezed her tighter. Kazuha reached her hand out to grab the kettle and pour the water into the mugs to make her favorite tea. "Sugar?" she asked to which Mark only nodded.

He let go of the girl to take the mugs for the two of them to which she sighed. "I told you my hands are ok."

"Mine too." he winked as he sat down on the couch.

The girl chuckled and walked over to sit beside Mark.

"White chicks?"

"Yeah, it's one of my favorite movies."

"Really? I only saw it once."

"Are you kidding?!" Kazuha raised her voice in disbelief. "Do you want to watch the whole thing?"

"You already watched so much-"

"I don't mind." she smiled widely and played the movie from the beginning.

Mark chuckled at how cute she was and admired her smile from the side for a little while. He leaned back on the couch and extended his arm and gently pulled on kazuha's hood which made the girl glance back at him. She felt her cheeks getting warm when he gestured for her to lean back onto his arm. When she did so, he had a closer look on her bruise that just kept on getting more purple. He felt so bad that this happened to her because of him yet glad that he was there to try and make the pain go away and protect her from that moment on.

He gently touched the bruise with his fingers as if it was supposed to heal it in any way. He then leaned and kissed it as softly as he could.

"What did she say?" Kazuha blurred out the question.

"She lied, like always."

"What do you mean?"

"She said she didn't do this and that you were making it up."

"And you believe me, not her?"

Mark glanced at the girl who kept staring straight at the TV. He put his finger under her chin and moved her face towards his. Their eyes met and he was even more sure that he believed Kazuha, not Chaewoo.

Kazuha smiled softly when he did the same. She leaned in for a kiss and cuddled herself into Mark's embrace as they watched one of her favorite movies.

 She leaned in for a kiss and cuddled herself into Mark's embrace as they watched one of her favorite movies

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