22: Ferris Wheel.

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"How was it?" Mark grabbed Kazuha's hand in his as soon as she walked out of the police station after giving her statement

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"How was it?" Mark grabbed Kazuha's hand in his as soon as she walked out of the police station after giving her statement.

"It wasn't as bad as I thought, but I wouldn't want to do it again."

"I hope you won't have to, even if the case goes to court."

"If I'll have to then I will but then I want this psycho gone in a psychiatric hospital or something."

Mark chuckled and so did the girl right after. They boy shook their heads. "I can't believe what happened with her, it's actually crazy how she's a totally different person, you know?"

"I know, it's hard to imagine someone changing 360 degrees, especially into someone so evil."

"Anyways," he stood in front of the girl, getting in her way. She looked at him with wide eyes and a smile appeared on her pretty, not bruised anymore, face. "I have a surprise for you."

Kazuha furrowed her eyebrows. "I hate surprises." she whined.

"What?" Mark's expression changed to disappointed and slightly worried one.

Kazuha giggled and pecked his lips. "I'm sure I'll like yours, though."

The boy smiled sweetly as they continued to walk to his car. "I know you will."

Kazuha's face lit up.

The countless rollercoaster rides and places to play different games for stuffed animals and more made her worries fade away. She turned to Mark who was already smiling, seeing her so happy. "I sure love this kind of surprises!"

"I told you you'd like it!" he was swayed on his legs when Kazuha jumped into his arms.

"Where do you want to go first?" she asked excitedly.

"Let's start with the ferris wheel."

Kazuha's smile didn't leave her face at all. Mark couldn't help himself from glancing at her almost the whole time. There was something about making others happy that made him feel so much better about himself and Kazuha's pearly whites showing from ear to ear proved his theory.

"Do you like ferris wheels?"

He nodded. "They're pretty cool."

Kazuha pushed his arm playfully and pouted. "Why aren't you more excited?"

The boy smiled awkwardly. "I am excited!"

"Show it!" she grabbed his arms and raised them up in the air screaming "wooo!"

Mark laughed out loud as his cheeks began to redden, both from the laughter and a bit of embarrassment.

Kazuha enjoyed him getting embarrassed almost as much as the views while the ferris wheel started to moved. She tried to take in every single detail about the view of the city that was prettier than she ever thought it would've been. She gasped and her eyes sparkled.

Mark realized it was the perfect timing for what he had planned.

He took the girl's hand in his and intertwined their fingers. He rubbed her skin gently with his thumb as he stared into her eyes deeply. She figured that he had wanted to say or do something and her cheeks began to blush while she looked at him curiously.

"What do you say we make it official?"

Kazuha smiled a little. "Huh?"

"You and me. I want you to be my girlfriend, what do you say?"

Kazuha turned around as she couldn't hide her wide smile. The boy chuckled and just waited for the girl to look back at him again - it's not like they had anywhere to go in the middle of the air.

The girl finally looked him in the eyes, smiling as widely as it was possible. She nodded her head and Mark's smile formed on his face as well as he put his hand behind the girl's neck and pulled her in gently for a sweet kiss, the first kiss as an official couple.

It was perfect, everything was perfect.

It was perfect, everything was perfect

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🤭 cuties

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