20: Bar.

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Mark and Kazuha waited for Jaemin, Doyoung and Eunhee at the bar they hung out together for the first time

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Mark and Kazuha waited for Jaemin, Doyoung and Eunhee at the bar they hung out together for the first time. The girl was scared for awhile after what happened so she always looked around the building before she left her house. Mark has been driving her home as often as it was possible but of course he couldn't be there with her every second of every day.

He gently kissed her cheek bone. "I'm glad it's almost invisible."

"Me too. Thankfully make-up exists."

The two's giggles were interrupted by Jaemin who came first. "Well, well, well, who do we have here?" he teased meanwhile greeting the couple.

"Hi Jaemin, it's been awhile." Kazuha hugged him. She couldn't help but notice him glancing at her face, probably looking for the bruise. She sighed and turned to Mark "you told him?"

Mark shrugged. "I had to."

"We tell each other everything. Everything." he wiggled his eyebrows. "But in all seriousness, I'm sorry for what that crazy bitch did to you."

"It's ok, I don't want to go back to that topic." she took a sip of her water.

Jaemin nodded in acknowledgement and kept glancing towards the entrance. "Is Eunhee coming?"

Mark and Kazuha glanced at each other and then at Jaemin which made the boy fluster. "Yeah, Doyoung is coming too, glad you asked." Mark teased his best friend.

Jaemin almost choked on his water when he heard Eunhee: voice. The girl ran over to him immediately and patted his back. "How are you drinking that you're choking?" she joked.

"Long time no see." Doyoung hugged them all and sat down next to Kazuha. "You I haven't seen in forever. You replaced me with Mark." he acted sulky.

Kazuha hit his arm and whined. "Maybe if you picked up your phone more often I wouldn't have!"

"I have work! Give me some slack." he pouted and the two teased each other like cute best friends.

Mark watched Jaemin and Eunhee acting suspicious together and the boy noticed his stare and got even more flustered which made Mark convinced of his suspicion that there has been definitely something going on between the two.

"Drink more with me!" Eunhee yelled to Kazuha who sat in front of her around the round table.

"I can't, I have work!"

Eunhee rolled her eyes and then pouted. She wrapped her arm around Jaemin and whispered something to his ear. The three looked at them in shock but they enjoyed seeing Jaemin so shy since he was sober. He didn't like drinking in general so he did it very occasionally and that time he decided to drink nothing that contained alcohol.

He smiled from ear to ear and his cheeks were turning red as Eunhee kept whispering to his ear which gave him shivers and the eyes of others didn't help. "I think we should get going."

Everyone was slightly drunk so they whined, not liking the idea. "I guess we should." Kazuha sighed realizing it was probably a good idea since she had work the next day.

Mark agreed and so did Doyoung. Eunhee was the only one who wanted to keep having fun and getting even drunker. "Eunhee, let's go." Jaemin wrapped her arm around his neck and helped her get up from the chair. She whined and protested for awhile but eventually gave in, trying to flirt from time to time.

The five of them left the bar with smiles on their blushed faces and dramatically breathed in the air, enjoying the breeze since it was way too hot inside the bar.

"Oh my god." Kazuha froze.

"What?" Mark glanced at her and noticed her scared eyes staring at something. He followed her gaze and gasped in disbelief. "Are you fucking kidding me?!" he yelled at the sight of Chaewoo.

Jaemin sighed as he held Eunhee and immediately asked Doyoung to hold her instead. He wanted to help Mark and Kazuha if he had to.

"Mark, can we talk?" The crazy girl started walking towards him.

"Don't come here and no we can't talk. Get the fuck out of here." Mark stood in front of Kazuha, shielding her.

"I just want to talk!" she began sobbing, acting crazy as usual.

"Just get out of here." Jaemin waved his hand to the girl which made her furious for some reason.

"And who the fuck are you to tell me what to do?!"

Mark felt himself getting hot from the anger. "That's it, I've had enough of you." he started walking over to the girl. He grabbed her hand rather firmly and pulled her behind him.

"Where are we going?"

"Police station. I'm sick of your bullshit. I warned you."

"What? No! Let go of me!"

Mark wouldn't listen and his grip only tightened.

Mark wouldn't listen and his grip only tightened

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this crazy psycho will get what she deserves 😅

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