05: Energetic.

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Kazuha started kicking her legs in the air after the phone call with Mark

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Kazuha started kicking her legs in the air after the phone call with Mark. She couldn't lie to herself - she had a crush on him. The feeling of disappointment appeared every time she remembered that he had a girlfriend, but that wasn't going to change her mind on keeping the boy in her life - as a friend or as someone more. She liked him a lot and was really thankful for what he's done for her.

She turned on her music and got up to get dressed and put on some makeup.

She turned on her music and got up to get dressed and put on some makeup

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Mark suggested to pick her up so they could pick a café to go to together to which she agreed without hesitation. She waited for him by the convenience store he dropped her off at the night before. When she noticed his car she waved excitedly.

The boy got out of the vehicle with a big smile on his face. "Hi!"

"Hey! Aren't we going?"

"We are, we are, I just have to grab an energy drink from the store."

"You look energetic enough to me." she chuckled.

"Really?" he teased as he walked inside the store.

Kazuha walked around the car, admiring the pretty color and shape. She liked cars that looked sporty and his was exactly like that.

"It's not for sale." he chuckled.

"Oh man!" she joked back. "I was ready to give you all my money."

Mark shrugged and handed her a can of coca cola. She thanked him and they leaned on the car, enjoying their drinks and a sunny, yet cold weather.

"How was your day so far?"

"It's been," he paused and chuckled "pretty crazy."

"May I ask what happened so early in the morning that it was already crazy?"

"You may, actually." he smiled and Kazuha looked at him curiously. "So, I got ready, made and ate breakfast with my roommate, we bought a new game for our PS4 and I broke up with my girlfriend."

Kazuha's face dropped at the last part as her eyes widened. Mark noticed her shocked expression and laughed. "No worries, I'm fine."

"I'm sorry, I wasn't expecting you to say that."

"Really, no need to be sorry. It was a toxic relationship so if anything, I'm relieved."


Mark shook his head. "Let's talk about something nicer. Where do you want to go?"

Kazuha felt bad for the boy but happy at the same time. Her crush was single and she couldn't hide her happiness so she turned around to smile widely in the direction he couldn't see that.

Mark tapped her shoulder and she turned back around. "Hm?"

Mark chuckled. "I asked where you want to go, are you ok?"

"Yes, of course! I'm more than ok." she smiled at the boy who looked at her with those pretty, big, shiny eyes of his.

" she smiled at the boy who looked at her with those pretty, big, shiny eyes of his

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