21: Complaint.

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"You can't drag me all the way there!" Chaewoo tried to get out of Mark's grip

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"You can't drag me all the way there!" Chaewoo tried to get out of Mark's grip.

"Watch me." he tightened his hand around her wrist.

Kazuha didn't know what to do and tried to think of the best solution. Mark dragging her to the police station with force wouldn't end as well as he thought it would.

"Mark, let go of her." she eventually ran to the two and grabbed his hand that was wrapped around Chaewoo's.

His ex girlfriend looked at her confused but decided to take advantage of the situation. She smirked, thinking how stupid Kazuha was for being on her side after what she did to her.

"What are you talking about? She won't learn otherwise."

"We can file a complaint about her without dragging her there."

Mark stared into Kazuha's eyes and eventually gave in, sober thoughts came to mind and he realized she was right. He let go of Chaewoo's wrist without turning back to look at her whatsoever. He wrapped his arm around Kazuha and turned her around on her heel.

"And you say I manipulate people? What is this bitch doing with you then, huh?!"

Mark clenched his teeth, gaining all the strength in him to not react to her ridiculous words. He glanced at Jaemin as he walked back to his friends with his girl in his embrace and noticed his best friend pointing down at something with his eyes. Mark followed to where he was looking and saw Jaemin's phone in his hand. It was upside down and he held it as if he wasn't recording - to not make it obvious to Chaewoo - but he was catching everything on camera.

Mark nodded slightly and nudged Kazuha, pointing with his eyes towards what Jaemin was doing. She smirked and ignored the girl easier which made the other even more frustrated.

"Will you talk with me or continue walking with this bitch?" she yelled.

"Get the hell out of here, how many times am I supposed to tell you?!" Mark raised his voice back at her.

"Leave us alone you psycho!"

Chaewoo widened her eyes at Kazuha calling her that word and she began to run towards her and the others.

Mark shielded his new love interest, Doyoung still held onto Eunhee who had no idea what was going on and Jaemin had raised his phone to record properly.

Chaewoo held her fist up, walking closer to them and yelling out curse words. When she noticed Jaemin recording, she hissed at him. "What the fuck are you doing?!"

"It's all on the video, you're screwed." he laughed mockingly.

"Give me that!" she tried to take his phone out of his hand but failed. It was needless to say Jaemin was stronger than her.

"Get the fuck out of here, don't make it worse." Mark said in a serious tone, looking her straight in the crazy eyes.

She began to cry hysterically and turned around, running away.

Kazuha let out a sigh of relief and was met with Mark's hug immediately. He patted her head and cupped her face gently. "You ok?"

She nodded and smiled softly.

"We got it all on camera." Jaemin smiled proudly. "Let's get to the station and get it over with, I guess?"

"I don't want to do it drunk and I have work tomorrow. And look at Eunhee." Kazuha pointed at the girl looking at them all cluelessly.

"Can someone help me with her? My shoulder's killing me." Doyoung whined and Jaemin grabbed her instead, letting the other straighten his back comfortably.

"I guess you're right. I'll go with Jaemin after we take you all home." Mark placed a soft kiss on Kazuha's forehead.

"Aren't you tired?"

"I am, of her."

The girl nodded, agreeing and understanding completely. She was sick of her too.

"I can't believe I have to file a complaint about my ex."

Jaemin patted his best friend's shoulder. "There's no other option. You tried to play nice and it didn't work."

Mark nodded and the other encouraged him to get inside the police station.

After awhile, their turn came and they were able to file the complaint. They told the officer the whole story, who was involved and showed the recorded video. They were told that they'd need statements from Kazuha, Doyoung, Eunhee and the old neighbor who saw Chaewoo beating up the girl. Chaewoo's questioning had to happen too, but even the officer said she'd try to deny everything so it will probably go to court.

Both boys sighed out of relief when they left the office, though Mark wasn't too happy about how long it could take until she was charged. All that was left for him and Kazuha to do, was to wait and be by each other's side.

 All that was left for him and Kazuha to do, was to wait and be by each other's side

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