07: Meet Up.

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Mark drove back to his apartment to pick up Jaemin who, of course, was excited for a fun night and some drinks

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Mark drove back to his apartment to pick up Jaemin who, of course, was excited for a fun night and some drinks. Kazuha felt a little shy about meeting Mark's roommate so she shook her leg while sitting in the front seat next to the said boy and waiting for the other.

Mark glanced at the nervous tick and smiled softly. "Are you nervous?"

"A little. Meeting new people makes me a little nervous."

"Don't be. He's chill, just like me."

The girl smiled softly at him, who's eyes looked somewhere behind her, out the window. She noticed and turned around herself. She saw a handsome, black haired boy, walking over to the car with the biggest and prettiest smile on his face. "Is that him?"

Mark nodded and the back door opened.

"Aye~!" Jaemin jumped into the back of the car and him and Mark did their hand shake. Then he finally met eyes with Kazuha.

"Hi! I'm Jaemin." he extended his hand towards the girl who shook it immediately and bowed a little with a shy smile on her face.


"Oh? You're not from here, that's pretty cool."

She still felt shy so she didn't say anything and turned around towards the front of the car. Mark noticed her shyness and turned to Jaemin to give him a look that explained it all. "Alright. Where to, miss Kazuha?" Mark kept being playful.

She chuckled and took out her phone to check the address Doyoung and Eunhee picked for their meet up.

When the three got to the restaurant that was more of a bar, but they still had great food, they stood outside for a second. Kazuha went in alone to check if her friends were already there so Jaemin used the opportunity to question his best friend about her. "What is going on?!" he asked excitedly.

Mark couldn't hide his smile, even though his cheeks still hurt from before. "It's a long story and I'm sure the others will ask about it too, so maybe let's save it for later."

Jaemin nudged him playfully and smiled even wider with his pearly whites. He suddenly let out a deep sigh. "Man, I was so happy when I read your text about breaking up with that bitch Chaewoo."

Mark rolled his eyes and chuckled. "I knew you would be."

"I just hope she won't stalk you or anything like that."

He widened his eyes "I hope she's not that crazy."

Jaemin shrugged and a girl's voice interrupted their conversation. "They're here! Come on." she gestured them to follower her.

They were welcomed with a smile from both Doyoung and Eunhee. They all bowed to each other as Kazuha introduced them. "Guys, this is superhero Mark and his best friend Jaemin." her and Mark laughed at the nickname she gave him as others were confused. "And these are my best friends Doyoung and Eunhee."

"Please, sit down!" Doyoung gestured to the seats in front of them. The table was round and had a grilling pan in the middle. It was surrounded with empty spaces for their plates and drinks. Kazuha sat next to Doyoung, Mark settled next to her and Jaemin sat next to Mark which automatically positioned him in between his best friend and the newly met girl, Eunhee.

Kazuha hugged her boy friend tightly and did the same to Eunhee later on. "I missed you guys."

"We missed you too!"

Doyoung gasped as he suddenly remembered something. He grabbed Kazuha's hands in his and looked at her with puppy eyes. "I'm sorry we couldn't come pick you up that day. I felt so bad."

The girl shook her head. "Please, you weren't in town! What were you supposed to do?"

Doyoung pouted and Eunhee suddenly joined him. "But we still feel bad."

"Don't worry guys, this one over here turned out to be a superhero without a cape." she pointed to Mark who's cheeks began to redden at yet another compliment.

He waved his hand left and right. Jaemin leaned in to the boy's ear and whispered "a superhero huh?" he teased him.

"Oh my! How did that happen?" Eunhee leaned her chin over her hands, waiting to hear an amazing story.

"He was the only one who stopped by to help. There weren't many cars that drove there that night but any that did, didn't bother to help. Until he showed up." Kazuha smiled and looked at Mark fondly.

Eunhee gasped dramatically. "This is so romantic!"

Kazuha's cheeks felt a blush coming in.

"Please, it's not a big deal. I couldn't leave her alone. I can't walk next to someone who needs help and not give it." he took a sip of water.

"See? He really is a superhero!" Kazuha exclaimed and everyone laughed.

Mark kept waving his hand to the sides, obviously not thinking of himself as one. He just liked helping others and didn't expect anything in return for that.

"Well, thanks for helping our friend when we weren't there to do so." Doyoung raised his soju glass and wanted to do cheers. When he noticed Mark, Kazuha and Jaemin clinking their water glasses with his and Eunhee's soju shots he yelled out "No, no, put that down! Excuse me," he turned to one of the workers "Can we get three more glasses for shots and another bottle of soju, please?"

 When he noticed Mark, Kazuha and Jaemin clinking their water glasses with his and Eunhee's soju shots he yelled out "No, no, put that down! Excuse me," he turned to one of the workers "Can we get three more glasses for shots and another bottle of...

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