08: Tracked.

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The group of friends had an amazing night together as they finished few bottles of soju in no time

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The group of friends had an amazing night together as they finished few bottles of soju in no time. They talked on various subjects, laughed, shared jokes and stories from their best trips and more.

Kazuha kept putting her hand on Mark's lap whenever she would laugh or find something interesting. The boy had definitely felt something whenever she did that and actually enjoyed the affection.

Everyone except for Kazuha and Jaemin had high alcohol tolerance so the two were the drunkest ones out of them all though they still communicated normally and weren't wasted.

Mark hasn't heard Kazuha giggle as much as she did there and he kept noticing more and more details about the girl. He found her squeaky and slightly high pitched giggles adorable so every time she did so, he looked at her with loving eyes. One time she laughed so hard at Jaemin's drunk face expressions that she leaned back so much that she almost fell but, of course, Mark was there to catch her.

The nice atmosphere, a one Mark hasn't been a part of in so long, was interrupted by the one person who made his happiness hard to find.

"Mark?!" everyone turned to the female voice.

Jaemin sighed loudly and hit his forehead. "Not you, bitch."

Mark rolled his eyes and sighed seeing his ex girlfriend. "What are you doing here?"

Kazuha glanced at the girl. She was pretty, had light brown hair, nice figure and cute face features. At first glance you'd never tell she was this mean and problematic.

Chaewoo looked around at the group and then locked her eyes on Kazuha. She looked down at Kazuha's hand on Mark's thigh. She scoffed and crossed her arms. "So this is what you're doing right after our break up? Laughing, drinking and having others girl all over you?" she pointed to Kazuha's hand on Mark's lap and the two immediately looked down at it too. They didn't even realize it and she immediately took her hand off of his lap.

Mark got up from his seat as soon as Chaewoo started screaming, making everyone's heads turn to their table. "Calm down! How did you even find me?"

"The tracking app."

Kazuha looked at Jaemin in shock but the boy just shook his head as if he was used to this behavior of his best friend's ex girlfriend. Jaemin twirled his finger by his head, showing the others that Chaewoo was crazy.

Chaewoo noticed Jaemin's gesture and started yelling at him, calling him names. Mark sighed at how he didn't know how to calm her down. "And what the fuck are you looking at?" Chaewoo started walking towards Kazuha and that's when Mark really stepped in. He stood in between the crazy girl and Kazuha sitting behind him, looking scared which he noticed when he glanced back at her quickly. "Get the fuck out of here, Chaewoo. And leave my friends alone."

"Your friends?" she scoffed. "You don't have friends."

Mark's eyes filled with tears, realizing how that used to be true. Expect for Jaemin, he had no one else because she was always jealous over everyone. He clenched his teeth "I do now."

Chaewoo looked at him angrily as she tried to think of a come back. "I'm not giving you to anyone."

Mark grabbed her by the arm and dragged her out of the bar. His face expression was one that Kazuha has never seen before. Mark let go of Chaewoo's arm harshly, almost pushing her. He put a finger up close to her face "leave me alone. You're crazy, seek help."

"I won't give you to anyone."

"You don't fucking own me!" Mark raised his voice loud enough for the people in the bar to hear. He placed both his hands behind his head in frustration as the girl began to cry hysterically. Mark chuckled at the sight "no, no, no. Don't put on a show. Everyone saw how you truly are!"

"I love you."

"No, you fucking don't. You only love yourself. Now get the hell out of here and leave me and my friends alone. Psycho."

Kazuha saw the whole thing from inside the bar. When she heard Mark's screams she ran over to the front door to keep an eye on the situation. Her eyes filled with tears seeing his distress and pain. When he sprinted back towards the front door he didn't even notice Kazuha but she grabbed him by the arm.

"Oh, hey." he smiled for a second. "Let's get back in."

"Mark." she pulled him into a hug.

He froze at the sudden affection and held his hands in the air as Kazuha wrapped hers around him and squeezed him tight. After awhile he gently hugged her back and smiled to himself. He felt more love from Kazuha's single hug than he did in a long time while in a relationship with Chaewoo.

 He felt more love from Kazuha's single hug than he did in a long time while in a relationship with Chaewoo

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she's a crazy bitch i'm sorry 😩

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