11: Crazy.

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Kazuha had a slight hangover but she managed to workout, take a shower and make spicy ramen

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Kazuha had a slight hangover but she managed to workout, take a shower and make spicy ramen. She tried to be as quiet as she could since Doyoung and Eunhee were at her apartment for the night, but she failed.


"I'm sorry, was I too loud?"

"No, you're fine. I was just chilling in bed. I don't know about Doyo though." the girl came closer towards the ramen Kazuha was making. "I hope you're making for me too." she flashed her puppy eyes.

Kazuha chuckled as she twirled the noodles. "Yes, don't worry."

"Thank you~" the girl gave the other a hug as she proceeded to watch her cook. "So," she smirked and the girl looked at her confused. "That Mark guy." she wiggled her eyebrows.

Kazuha rolled her eyes. "Stop it."

"Why?! You like him, don't you?"

"Of course, he's a good guy and a good friend."

Eunhee rolled her eyes and sighed. "I don't mean it like that." she stared the girl in the eyes with the deepest look until she gave in.

"Fine, fine! I guess I have a crush on him."

"I knew it! You never cry and you cried yesterday because of what his ex was doing."

"Come on, she was so crazy! How can anyone treat someone they supposedly love like that?!"

Eunhee smirked as she looked at Kazuha without saying a word.


"Nothing. You still seem pretty upset about that."

"I'm...... upset about it a normal amount."

"Yeah, right!"

"Why are you two talking so loudly?!" Doyoung came storming into the kitchen.

"Don't exaggerate, it's late already, how long do you want to stay in bed?!"

Doyoung stick his tongue out to Eunhee who almost ran after him. The two always teased each other like that and it made Kazuha like them even more. Ever since she met them at her ex's party, they've been inseparable.

"Calm down and sit down, let's eat." Kazuha put the pot in the middle of a table.

"What were you two talking about?" he asked as he placed bowls for each of them.


"Mark." Eunhee wiggled her eyebrows. "And his ex."

"Oh yea, that's one crazy psycho!" he exclaimed, making the girls burst out laughing.

"Oh yea, that's one crazy psycho!" he exclaimed, making the girls burst out laughing

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